Installations are a critical component to the Nation's force capabilities. DoD is working to ensure that it is delivering cost-effective, safe, and environmentally sound capabilities and capacities to support the national defense mission.

I&E Featured News

Renewable Energy on Federal Lands

As part of President Obama's 'all-of-the-above' strategy to responsibly develop America's domestic energy resources, the Department of the Interior and the Department of Defense are teaming up to strengthen the nation's energy security and reduce military utility costs.

The MOU sets out the guiding concepts for the Renewable Energy Partnership Plan, the departments' roles and responsibilities under the agreement, and how they will work together to carry out the initiative. A major goal of the partnership is to harness the significant proven solar, wind, geothermal and biomass energy resources on or near DoD installations across the country, and the MOU also provides a blueprint for cooperation between Interior and DoD to identify lands for mission-compatible development of onshore renewable energy projects on DoD installations. 

Under the MOU, the DoD will explore ways in which renewable energy could be provided directly to a single installation or may be transmitted across a network of DoD installations.  Some larger projects could involve the sale of excess power to the grid, provided appropriate measures ensure base security.  This will continue the current Administration's historic progress toward fostering renewable energy development on public lands, and together these projects, when built, will provide more than 7,200 megawatts -- enough to power around 2.3 million homes.  Thanks to steps already taken by the Administration, renewable energy from sources like wind and solar have doubled since the President took office.

Microgrid Study: Energy Security for DoD Installations

DoD study finds that microgrids offer a cost-effective solution to military installations' growing vulnerability to the fragile electric grid. The study highlights the extent of ongoing microgrid work across DoD, illustrates the largely untapped potential of moving to smarter, next generation microgrids that would accommodate far greater penetration of renewable energy sources, as well as tighter integration with the electrical grid, and summarizes the results of several months of analysis. It provides insight into opportunities for increased energy security, efficiency, and the incorporation of renewable and distributed energy resources into microgrids, as well as the factors that might facilitate or impede implementation.

Enterprise Energy Information Management Capability Requirements

The mission of the Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Installations and Environment) (ODUSD(I&E)) is to provide installation assets and services necessary to support our military forces in a cost effective, safe, sustainable, and environmentally sound manner. Energy is a critical part of the Department of Defense's (DoD's) overall strategy, and facility energy management in particular is designed to reduce costs and improve the security of the energy used on our fixed installations. Although DoD collects a large amount of energy-related data, it lacks the standardized processes and integrated systems needed to systematically track, analyze, and report facility energy and water use and related costs. Further, information regarding improvements in energy efficiency is currently managed only to the extent that it is required for external reporting. The absence of comprehensive energy use and investment data hinders the Department's ability to improve facility operations and to make informed investments in new, energy efficient technology.

As a first step to resolve these problems and to realize agency goals for facility energy management, the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Installations and Environment) (DUSD(I&E)) convened an energy working group (EWG) to standardize the necessary information structure, utilizing existing enterprise information or standards to the extent possible. These documents present the vision for the future and the results of the group's effort.

DoD 2012 Secretary of Defense Environmental Awards

The 50th anniversary of the Secretary of Defense Environmental Awards was marked on June 6, 2012, a historic occasion showcasing five decades of environmental excellence within the Department. These awards highlight achievement in the areas of cultural resources management, environmental quality, environmental restoration, natural resources conservation, sustainability, and environmental excellence in weapon systems acquisition.

Solar Energy Development on Department of Defense Installations in the Mojave and Colorado Deserts

This study, initiated in response to a congressional request, addresses current solar development activities and the potential for solar energy development inside the boundaries of nine large military installations located in the Mojave and Colorado Deserts of southern California and Nevada.  This report also discusses the potential mission compatibility and energy security impacts of on-installation solar energy development and the broader context for solar energy development in the Mojave and Colorado Deserts.

FY 2012 Base Structure Report Released

The Base Structure Report is a consolidated summary of the Department's real property inventory.

DoD Open Government: Geospatial Information for U.S. Military Installations, Ranges, and Training Areas Updated

The first annual update of geographic information for major installations, ranges, and training areas in the United States and its territories is now available. From the link below, authoritative locations of the most commonly known DoD sites, installations, ranges, and training areas in the United States and territories can be downloaded. This information is the first to integrate site information about DoD installations, training ranges, and land assets in a format which can be immediately put to work in commercial geospatial information systems.

Homeland Security/Homeland Defense, law enforcement, and readiness planners will benefit from immediate access to DoD site location data during emergencies. Land use planning and renewable energy planning will also benefit from use of this data.

NOTE: The point and boundary location datasets are intended for planning purposes only, and do not represent the legal or surveyed land parcel boundaries.
Please examine the release notes (PDF, 43KB) to determine if this dataset is suitable for your needs.

DoD's Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan 2011

This annual update of the DoD Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan (SSPP) lays out our goals and sustainability performance expectations over the next decade, establishing the path by which the Department will enhance technologies and practices that further the sustainability goals of the Nation. The Department not only commits to complying with environmental and energy statutes, regulations, and Executive Orders, but to going beyond compliance where it serves national security needs.

DoD Announces Winners of the Commander in Chief's Annual Award for Installation Excellence

The Commander in Chief's Annual Award for Installation Excellence recognizes the outstanding and innovative efforts of the people who operate and maintain U.S. military installations. The five recipients of this highly competitive Presidential award were selected for their exemplary support of Department of Defense missions.

DoD Announces Winners of the Secretary of Defense Environmental Awards

Each year since 1962, the Secretary of Defense has honored individuals, teams, and installations for their outstanding achievements to conserve and sustain the natural and cultural resources entrusted to the Department of Defense. A ceremony honoring the 2011 winners is planned for June 8, 2011, at the Pentagon.

Armed With Science: The Military Protects Animals, Too

Did you know the U.S. military works hard to protect endangered wildlife and habitats? It's true. Read what Mr. Peter Boice, Deputy Director of Natural Resources at the Department of Defense, had to say about the department's policies for protecting these animals, and check out the slideshow of images.

Armed With Science: How DoD is Responding to Climate Change

The Department of Defense (DoD) is implementing several strategies to mitigate and adapt to climate change impacts on DoD installations. Several of these efforts are highlighted in an animation that describes a handful of DoD-funded projects that address climate change impacts—featuring projects on sea level rise and threatened and endangered species, as well as an overview of DoD's conservation funding programs.

Military Museums Annual Report

The Department of Defense operates 94 Military Museums around the world. These museums contain some of the finest examples of artifacts and collections depicting our Nation's colorful military history. Military museum facilities display memorabilia, artifacts, ceremonial gifts, uniforms, and flags from the history of the Military Departments, military campaigns, and conflicts.

Empowering Defense Through Energy Security

On Oct. 13 the Department of Defense (DoD) hosted an Energy Security Forum as part of National Energy Awareness Month. The afternoon featured a panel of DoD energy practitioners including a Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, current and former base commanders, and other leading defense innovators.

Sixteen Department of Defense Award Winners in the Federal Energy and Water Management Awards

U.S. Department of Energy announced that more than 30 individuals, teams, and organizations across the federal government were selected to receive Federal Energy and Water Management Awards for outstanding and innovative efforts to implement sustainable strategies that improve energy, water, and vehicle fleet efficiency.

Fort Belvoir Wins a White House Council on Environmental Quality GreenGov Presidential Award

Under the Army's Residential Communities Initiative, the Army and Fort Belvoir Residential Communities LLC formed a 50-year public-private partnership to develop, rehabilitate and construct 2,106 homes on 576 acres at Fort Belvoir in Fairfax County, Virginia. The project includes a mixed-use Town Center that features solar panels, a salvaged playground, and a stormwater management system that captures and treats 90% of annual runoff from rainfall.

DoD Funds 48 On-the-Ground Projects for National Public Lands Day

The Defense Department (DoD)'s Natural and Cultural Resources Programs are partnering with the National Environmental Education Foundation to support National Public Lands Day (NPLD) projects on military installations across the country for the twelfth year. As it has each year since 1999, DoD is supporting the 17th annual National Public Lands Day with on-the-ground projects. Many of the 48 projects DoD funded this year took place on September 25, 2010. Others will take place later this fall.

Joint Bases Meet Full Operational Capability

The joint basing program, established by a recommendation of the 2005 Base Closure and Realignment Commission, represents the department's efforts to optimize the delivery of installation support across the services. The BRAC Report created 12 joint bases from 26 service installations that were in close proximity or shared a boundary. As of 1 October 2010, all 12 joint bases achieved full operational capability.

Wind Turbines Development Plans

The Department of Defense (DoD) today notified the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that plans by developers to build and operate more than 1100 wind turbines at eight sites in Northern Oregon and Southern Washington will not pose an additional risk to national security. DoD had previously raised concerns about two of the eight proposed wind farms, including a 225-turbine project planned for the Montague site, leading the FAA to issue a Preliminary Notice of Presumed Hazard.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory "Wind Turbine Impact Mitigation for QVN ARSR-3 Radar", Executive Summary - 21 June 2010

On April 20, 2010, the Department of Defense tasked the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory to conduct a 60-day independent assessment of the impact of wind turbines on long range radar air surveillance capability, with a focus on the proposed wind farm at Shepherds Flat, Oregon and the Air Route Surveillance Radar (ARSR-3) at Fossil, Oregon (QVN). This study was cleared for public release.

Report on the compatibility of Department of Defense (DoD) activities with oil and gas resource development on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) - 15 February 2010

This report provides DoD's detailed response to the call for comments on the Minerals Management Service "Draft Proposed Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) 2010-2015 Oil and Gas Leasing Program." This report was cleared for public release.

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