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South Dakota Fast Facts 2000

Transportation System Extent

All public roads: 83,471 miles
Interstate: 678 miles
Road bridges: 6,032
Class I railroad trackage: 986 miles
Inland waterways: 75 miles
Public use airports: 74 (9 certificated for air carrier operations)1

Vehicles and Conveyances

Automobiles registered: 380,000
Light trucks registered: 317,000
Heavy trucks registered: 17,000
Buses registered: 2,700
Motorcycles registered: 29,000
Numbered boats: 51,000


Land area: 75,885 sq. miles (rank: 16)
Percent of land area owned by federal government: 5.42 (rank: 26)
Persons per square mile: 9.9 (rank: 46)
Highest point: Harney Peak (7,242 ft.)
Lowest point: Big Stone Lake (966 ft.)

Political Subdivisions

Counties: 66
Municipal governments: 3093
Congressional districts: 14


Population: 754,844 (rank: 46)
Percent urban population: 505 (rank: 46)


Gross state product: $22 billion2 (rank: 46)
Civilian labor force: 401,0002 (rank: 46)
Median household income: $36,172 (rank: 40)

Commuting (percent of workers)

Car, truck, or van-drove alone: 76.6
Car, truck, or van-carpooled: 10.4
Public transportation (including taxi): 0.4
Walked: 4.8
Other means: 1.4
Worked at home: 6.4

State Transportation Department

South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT)
700 East Broadway Avenue
Pierre, SD 57501
(605) 773-3265

1 2002

2 1999

3 1997

4 Apportionment based on 2000 census

5 1990

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