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Landmarks of American History and Culture: Workshops for School Teachers

Division of Education Programs

Receipt Deadline March 1, 2012

The deadline for this program has passed. Updated guidelines will be posted in advance of the next deadline. In the meantime, please use these guidelines to get a sense of what is involved in assembling an application.

Brief Summary

The Landmarks of American History and Culture program supports series of one-week residence-based workshops for a national audience of K-12 educators. NEH Landmarks of American History and Culture Workshops use historic sites to address central themes and issues in American history, government, literature, art, music, and other related subjects in the humanities. The goals of the workshops are to

  • increase knowledge and appreciation of subjects, ideas, and places significant to American history and culture through humanities reading and site study;
  • build a community of inquiry and provide models of civility and of excellent scholarship and teaching;
  • provide teachers with expertise in the use and interpretation of historical sites and of material and archival resources; and
  • encourage historical and cultural sites to develop greater capacity and scale for professional development programs.

NEH Landmarks Workshops are held at or near sites important to American history and culture (for example, presidential residences or libraries; colonial-era settlements; major battlefields; historic districts; parks and preserves; sites of key economic, social, political, and constitutional developments; and places associated with major writers, artists, and musicians). Applicants should make a compelling case for the historical significance of the site(s), the material resources available for use, and the ways in which the site(s) will enhance the workshop.

What’s New for 2012

Project directors will be paid a flat fee for directing the series of two one-week workshops. The fee for a single director is $12,000. The fee for two co-directors is $7,200 for each co-director.

Program Statistics

In the last five competitions the Landmarks for American History and Culture: Workshops for School Teachers program received an average of 51 applications. The program made an average of twenty awards per competition, for a funding ratio of 39 percent.

The number of applications to an NEH grant program can vary widely from competition to competition, as can the funding ratio. Information about the average number of applications and awards in recent competitions is meant only to provide historical context for the current competition. Information on the number of applications and awards in individual competitions is available from


Contact the staff of NEH’s Division of Education Programs at 202-606-8380 or Hearing-impaired applicants can contact NEH via TDD at 1-866-372-2930.