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Applications deadline is November 29, 2012.

Since 2002, more than $43 million in grants.

Grants have supported 395 projects in more than 35 countries.

Partners have contributed an additional $166 million.

More than 3 million acres of habitat affected.

If you would like to receive important announcements about NMBCA (about three times per year, via e-mail) or if you have questions about the NMBCA program, please contact one of the Program Coordinators, Andrea Grosse and Guy Foulks.

Hablamos español. Falamos português. Wir sprechen Deutsch.

Telephone: 1.703.358-1784
Fax: 1.703.358-2282

Mailing address:

USFWS Division of Bird Habitat Conservation
4401 N Fairfax Dr., MBSP-4075
Arlington, VA 22203, USA

Note: In the "Your Email:" field you must submit a properly formatted internet email address in order to receive a reply message.

Aviso: En el campo "Dirección Electrónica", hay que someter una dirección completa antes de recibir una respuesta.

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Your Email/Dirección Electrónica:

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Last updated: June 21, 2011