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Organizations | Family / Professional Caregiving

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Caring For The Elderly – Understanding the Need

A special combination of housing, personalized supportive services and health care designed to meet the needs of those who need help with activities of daily living.

BenefitsCheckUp helps thousands of people every day to connect to private or government programs that help them pay for prescription drugs, health care, utilities, and other needs. ( a service of the National Council on Aging)

The Eldercare Locator connects older Americans and their caregivers with sources of information on senior services. The service links those who need assistance with state and local area agencies on aging and community-based organizations that serve older adults and their caregivers. (a public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging)

A national advocacy organization working for fundamental change in America's health and long-term care systems. They issue reports and analyses to educate the public, opinion leaders and policy makers on issues of importance on the growing health care crisis. It represents the consumer voice in both national and local arenas with the goal of helping the nation's decision makers achieve reform that will provide affordable, high quality health care and comprehensive long-term care protection for all Americans.

Provides non-medical companionship and home care services for seniors. These services are provided through a network of franchise offices located throughout the United States, Canada, Japan, Portugal, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, Taiwan, Spain, and the United Kingdom.

Represents those who provide meal services to senior citizens and others in need. it works toward the social, physical, nutritional and economic betterment of older Americans. It provides education, training, and development opportunities to enable members to provide quality nutrition services and programs.

The Official U.S. Government Site for People with Medicare.

Medicare prescription drug coverage is available to everyone with Medicare, regardless of income, health status, or how you pay for prescription drugs today.

Medicare's free, secure online service for accessing your Medicare information.

A non-profit organization representing the nation's home care providers and the individuals they serve. They provide direct services to members and work to sponsor research, influence legislation, and promote high standards of patient care in home care and hospice services.

A professional membership organization providing leadership on policy, planning and management issues for home and community care providers.

Where families, caregivers, and professionals can find information about The National Family Caregiver Support Program, including: where you can turn for support and assistance, and providing services to caregivers.

A national, charitable organization dedicated to making life better for all of America's family caregivers.

This website for older adults was developed by the National Institute on Aging and the National Library of Medicine, both part of the National Institutes of Health.

Information on abuse

Rethinking the goals and structure of home healthcare for older adults may help them help themselves to stay healthy and independent. A new study shows elderly patients who receive restorative care rather than traditional home healthcare are less likely to end up in an emergency room or require more extensive home care.

The official site of the Social Security Administration.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risks of serious injury or death from more than 15,000 types of consumer products under the agency's jurisdiction.


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