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K-12 Information | Homeschooling

Disclaimer: The appearance of a hyperlink to another site does not constitute endorsement of this web site or the information, products, or services contained therein by HRTec, Inc. or its affiliates, advertisers, or partners. HRTec does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations. Such links are provided for site visitor information and resources, and are consistent with the stated purpose of this web site.

  • Getting Started

  • General

  • Legalities

  • State Resources

  • National Resources

  • International Resources

  • Magazines

  • Forms / Worksheets

  • Message Boards, Lists, Newsgroups

  • College and Homeschooling

  • Getting Started

    Contains resources on choosing curriculum, socialization, areas of learning, links to teaching methodologies and how to find/use resources.

    Guides you through why you should homeschool; can a single parent homeschool; teaching styles & curricula; ideas for each of the subject areas & grade level; homeschooling special kids; record keeping; testing & laws; and much more.

    Insights into homeschooling from one who has been through it.

    Presents practical ways to setup your homeschool day.

    Contains many articles and resources for the beginning homeschool parent, including an online newsletter.

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  • General

    Has sections for concerns about homeschooling, just beginning, legalities & support; lessons & ideas; methods, styles & support, religion & cultural reasons, and much more.

    Has extensive links to sites, information & articles for homeschoolers.

    Are trying to sell curriculum but have discussion groups on curriculum, top homeschool web sites, advice for the new homeschooler, legislation alerts, and links to all sorts of resources.

    Read daily features; choose from 10 different columnists; talk to others with online support groups; or go to other resource pages.

    Is a subscription newsletter but does have free information on their site which is worth a look.

    Tells how to obtain teacher discounts.

    Has resources for curriculum, educational resources, virtual fieldtrips, used book sites, quotable quotes, around the home, computer, health, political topics, and many other links.

    Provides research, encouragement, resources, support, online help desk, discussion lists, and more.

    Has articles, experts, events and forums on all aspects of homeschooling.

    Provides resources, information, and support to all homeschooling families. Also contains resource guides, articles, approaches, newsletter, support groups, and message boards.

    A resource for homeschool articles, lesson plans and more.

    Offers information on adaptive/assistive technology, ADD/ADHD, advocacy, applied behavior analysis, assessment, autism, cognitive impairment, behavior disorders, cerebral palsy, curriculum, disability information, down syndrome, fragile X syndrome, freebies, federally sponsored resources, hearing impairment, learning disabilities, learning styles, legal assistance, medical, Montessori method, sensory integration, speech/language, sections by subject, transition, vision impairment, and more.

    This site is specifically for military families that homeschool. Includes articles on military homeschooling, message boards, email lists, and useful links.

    Online community dedicated to military home educators and their families.

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  • Legalities

    Lists by state plus links to other resources.

    Lists the state laws and much more.

    Has all states and territories listed in an easy to find pull down menu.

    Contains resources on home school legislation.

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  • State Resources

    By State Organizations

    Included in this section are local support groups, state groups, state laws, mail lists, and other resource material peculiar to each state. Please select a state from the list below.

    State Directories of Conference / Events

  • Everything Homeschool - Homeschool Events
  • Home School Today - Events
  • Homeschool Events Board
  • Homeschool Events by State Message Board

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  • National Resources

    The following sites maybe meant as a resource for a particular nation or state but have excellent resources and links that any homeschooling family can use.

  • American Homeschool Association (AHA)
  • Cross Walk: Homeschooling
  • Home Educator's Conference Information
  • Home School Legal Defense
  • Homeschool Support Network
  • Islamic Educational and Muslim Home School Resources/ Conference
  • N.A.C.H.E. - National Association of Catholic Home Educators
  • N.H.E.R.I. - National Home Education Research Institute
  • NAT.H.H.A.N. - NATional cHallenged Homeschoolers Associated Network
  • T.O.R.C.H. - Traditions of Roman Catholic Homes
  • The Homeschool Social Register
  • The National Academy for Child Development

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  • International Resources

    The following sites maybe meant as a resource for a particular nation or state but have excellent resources and links that any homeschooling family can use.

    International Directories

  • Jon's Homeschool Resource Page: Support Groups and Homeschooling Law

  • Australia


  • A.H.E.A. - Alberta Home Education Association
  • B.C.H.S.A. - British Columbia Homeschool Association
  • H.B.L.N. - Home Based Learning Network
  • N.S.H.E.A. - Nova Scotia Home Education Association
  • O.C.H.E.C. - Ontario Christian Home Educators Connection
  • Ontario Federation of Teaching Parents

  • France


  • Society of Alternative Learning

  • Israel


    South Africa

  • Home Schooling Resources in South Africa

  • Turkey

  • Sipes Family Homeschool

  • United Kingdom

  • Education Otherwise
  • Education Otherwise
  • H.E.A.S. - Home Education Advisory Service
  • Home Education In London and Wales
  • Home Education Network

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  • Magazines

    Is an online magazine with sections on pen pals, upcoming events, hands-on curriculum, message boards, book reviews, children's health, lesson plans divided into subject areas, feature articles, and more.

    Is a subscription magazine with a small sample from their 1st & 2nd edition online.

    Is a subscription magazine but has selected articles from the current and past issues, discussion lists, and reviews of homeschooling books.

    Is a homeschooling magazine with articles and tips for those homeschooling.

    Has articles on how to get started, year-round schooling, time management, effective teaching, lesson plans, resources, and products.

    Has articles, events, legal defense, book reviews, and more.

    Explains about what "Digest" is and provides selected current and back articles. Is a subscription magazine.

    Contains original poems, jokes, fun facts, creative ideas, inspiring and humorous stories, art, great book reviews, and a heap of helpful homeschooling articles. All of the writing is by home schooled students of all ages and their parents.

    Is "both a publication and an on-line destination full of ready-to-use curriculum, teaching tips, resources, and practical encouragement for you as a home educator."

    Is a Christian magazine for home educators. Filled with practical teaching tips, in-depth articles, how-tos, letters from readers, news section, and more.

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  • Forms / Worksheets

    Print out forms for 1-page yearly attendance record, chore chart, course of study, high school course of study, daily schedule, weekly schedule, HSLDA group form, blank star chart for astronomy, gumball chore chart, search engine reference chart, and blank world map.

    Learning Page provides a huge collection of professionally produced instructional materials you can download and print. There is a registration requirement but there is no cost involved.

    S&S Software is pleased to bring you free worksheets and solution pages.

    Generate your own workseets and educational games by grade level.

    Homeschool Math has several worksheet generators that can create a variety of worksheets for you.

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  • Message Boards, Lists, Newsgroups

    Has a discussion board just for high school homeschooled students and parents.

    Join a discussion board or swap items on the web. Discussion boards subjects such as community, secular, religious, homeschool humor, single parent homeschoolers, special needs, homeschool events, controversial, kids, teens, high school, unit studies, reading/math, breakfast nook, and more.

    These Homeschool Message Boards are a great way for you to connect and chat with other virtual homeschoolers.

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  • College and Homeschooling

    Has sections on how homeschooled children get into good colleges; selective colleges that have accepted homeschoolers - listing them all; admission criteria used; looking at financial aid for college; FAQ's for colleges admitting homeschoolers; and much more.

    List by state or region those colleges/universities that the authors have found friendly toward homeschoolers.

    Career information to guide your homeschooler into the world of work.

    FAQ on Distance Learning, Accreditation, and College Degrees - Gives guidelines to help you pick a quality online program.

    Includes directories of college online programs, articles on e-learning, a forum, and much more.

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