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Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services
Service Assessments

Missouri river Flooding in 2011

Remnants of Tropical Storm Lee and the Susquehanna River Basin Flooding of September 6-10, 2011. Mount Joy, Lancaster County, MD, Air National Guard performed an airlift; WFO State College, PA

NWS conducts Service Assessments to evaluate its performance after significant hydrometeorological, oceanographic, or geological events. Assessments may be initiated when one or more of the following criteria are met:

  • Major economic impact on a large area or population
  • Multiple fatalities or numerous serious injuries
  • Extensive national public interest or media coverage
  • Unusual level of attention to NWS performance
Assessment teams, composed of experts from within and outside the NWS, evaluate activities before, during, and after events to determine the usefulness of NWS products and services.The team generates a report, which serves as an evaluative tool to identify and share best practices in operations and procedures, and identify and address service deficiencies. The goal of the activity is for the NWS to continuously improve its services to the nation.










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Service Assessments are part of the NWS Verification Program. The NWS Office of the Administrator decides whether to perform an assessment. A report is released when the Assistant Administrator for Weather Services has approved it. If an event does not warrant a service assessment, but a need exists to document the event's data, NWS staff may issue a Post-Storm Data Acquisition report. Single hard copies of older Service Assessments reports may be available, email:

NOAA, National Weather Service
Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services
1325 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
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Last Updated: September 18, 2012