For Parents
Our Daughter, the Superhero

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Brad: About the age of 10, she thought she could do everything; nobody could help her do it.

Shannon: I just remember being on the back of my brother's 4-wheeler and he'd be like, "Hold on, 'cause we're going for a ride." I was always adventurous, always wanted to try new things. I was crazy, coming home with the raspberry cuts everywhere. I was obsessed with Band-Aids. Just a crazy little girl.

Nancy: She needed to venture out of here. This is country; Shannon needed excitement.

Shannon: When I first told my parents I was joining the Army, they kind of looked at me like I was crazy, which I was expecting. But I knew they'd be supportive, and they were.

Brad: I feel with her energy, she just figured that the Army would give her that opportunity to step out, "Show me some stuff, let me grab something here."

Shannon: I felt like there were bigger and better things for me to do.

Brad: When Shannon comes home, we load up the rigs and load up the 4-bys, and she wants to go wheeling. So that's what we do. We just set out for the day, wheeling, pack some lunch and make a day of it, and come back home and talk about it.

Nancy: And she has to drive, she can't just be a passenger.

Brad: I think I remember saying, "Are you sure, Shannon, you can handle this?" She goes, "Dad, I just drove a Humvee for a year and a half; I think I can handle this." When [Shannon] told me they wanted to keep [her] behind the wheel, I contribute [sic] that to her 4-wheeling. When it was time to jump a curb, go down into a ditch and shoot up the other side, she knew what to do. "Hold on guys, I've done this at home."

Shannon: I always say, "I learned from my father."