AFSA Committees

AFSA Committee Membership

AFSA relies on a number of active duty and retired members to participate in the work of the various committees that allow some of the organization's inner workings to proceed in a smooth and orderly fashion. We are grateful to these individuals for their willingness to donate their time and expertise. We encourage anyone with an interest in serving on a committee to be on the lookout for periodic vacancy updates.

Awards and Plaques Committee

Oversees the AFSA memorial plaques and recommends names to be added to them. In cooperation with the AFSA governing board, members also recommend the winners of AFSA's awards for constructive dissent, exemplary performance, Lifetime Contributions to American Diplomacy, and the Sinclaire Language Awards.

-Hon. John W. Limbert (chair) -Hon. Edward L. Peck
-Janice Bay -Ernesto Pizarro
-Eva Groening -Richard Thompson
-John Long -Francisco Zamora
-John Naland

Finance, Audit and Management Committee

Works with the AFSA governing board to oversee the organization's budget process and the annual audit.

-Hon. Andrew Winter (chair) -Keith Curtis
-Susan R. Johnson (ex officio) -Henry Schmick
-Daniel Hirsch -Ian Houston  (ex officio)
-Francisco Zamora

Committee on Education

Oversees the selection and awarding of AFSA's financial aid and merits scholarships; also has stewardship over the AFSA Scholarship Fund.

-Hon. C. Edward Dillery (chair) -Kate Snipes (FAS rep)
-Deborah Odell (State rep) -Dr. Evelyn Colbert (DACOR liaison)
-Carol Sutherland (State rep) -USAID rep (vacant)
-Joyce Namde (AFSA GB liaison) -Andrew Winter (ex officio)

Foreign Service Journal Editorial Board

Works with the Journal staff and AFSA governing board to draw up the Journal's editorial calendar and selects works for publication from among those submitted for each issue.

-Ted Wilkinson (chair) -Hon. George Jones
-Kelly Adams-Smith -Kate Wiehagen Leonard
-Joseph Bruns -Lynn Roche
-Stephen W. Buck -Rachel Schneller
-Julie Gianelloni Connor -James P. Seevers
-Mary E. Glantz

Elections Committee

Oversees the biannual AFSA election process and works with AFSA staff (and the Department of Labor for the 2011 election cycle) to ensure the integrity of the election and its results.

-Hon. George Jones (chair) -W. Quintin Gray
-Richard Thompson -Ian Houston (AFSA staff)
-Denise Jobin Welch -Sharon Papp (AFSA staff)
-David Salazar -Zlatana Badrich (AFSA staff)
-Donald Businger -Janet Hedrick (AFSA staff)