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Alumni Affairs


Since the 1960s, over 1,600 Ethiopians have participated in U.S. Government-funded exchange programs.  These programs include: Fulbright African Research Scholar Program, Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Program, New Century Scholarship, Studies of U.S. Institutes, International Visitors Leadership Program, Fulbright Junior Staff Development Program, Youth Exchange and Study Program, English Access Micro Scholarship Program and more.  Some of the prominent Ethiopian figures among the alumni (former exchange program participants) include, H.E. Ato Hailemariam Desalegn, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister, and renowned Ethiopian musician Mulatu Astatke, the “Father of Ethiopian Jazz.”

The U.S. Embassy in Addis Ababa engages alumni in various programs throughout the year.  Alumni participate as speakers in Embassy programs, serve as volunteers and mentors, lead panel discussions, share their U.S. experiences with a larger audience, and design and implement programs collaboratively.  Many alumni have also benefited from funding opportunities offered both by the Embassy and the State Department Alumni Affairs Office in Washington, D.C.

The Embassy looks forward to creating and engaging more alumni in its programs and working with them on new initiatives.  The Embassy also encourages alumni involvement in community service and would be happy to consider support for alumni activities in the country.

Are you an alum of a U.S. government-sponsored exchange program?

Please share your best practices or success stories after participating in your program.  We will post it on our website and share your success stories with a larger alumni community in the country and in the world through the State Alumni website!

About State Alumni

The State Alumni website is an online community of alumni of U.S. government-sponsored exchange programs. State Alumni offers an exciting opportunity to continue your exchange program after you have returned home! It provides opportunities for alumni to network with each other, develop their careers, and stay in touch with the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, thus helping to extend their exchange experience.

For more information, please follow this link:

Are you alum of a U.S. Government-sponsored exchange program but not yet a member of the State Alumni Website?  Please follow the link for guidelines and register to best utilize the opportunities mentioned above.