Highly Migratory Species: Fishery Management Plan and Amendments

HMS Fishery Management Plan

The following Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Fishery Management Plan (FMP) was originally published combined with the final environmental impact statement (FEIS) in August 2003. NMFS partially approved the FMP in February 2004. Amendment 1, which addresses bigeye tuna overfishing, also reorganized the FMP to excerpt elements specific to the FMP, as adopted and approved. Descriptive material in the original combined FMP/DEIS has been moved to a series of appendices. The amended FMP and appendices are available for download in PDF format below. Both the current FMP and the August 2003 FMP/FEIS are available in PDF format on CD-ROM; contact Dr. Kit Dahl to request copies (email: Kit.Dahl@noaa.gov, phone: (503) 820-2280 ext. 422 or toll free 1-866-806-7204).

Download the Fishery Management Plan for U.S. West Coast Fisheries for Highly Migratory Species, as amended (July 2011)

  • Appendix A: Description of the Fisheries, part 1: text and tables
  • Appendix A: Description of the Fisheries, part 2: figures
  • Appendix B: Status of the Management Unit Stocks at the Time of FMP Adoption
  • Appendix C: Bycatch in HMS Fisheries
  • Appendix D: Interactions of HMS Fishing Gears with Protected Species
  • Appendix E: Management Regime at the Time of FMP Adoption
  • Appendix F: U.S. West Coast Highly Migratory Species Life History Accounts and Essential Fish Habitat
  • Appendix G: Status of Affected Species and Critical Habitat in the Area of HMS Fisheries
  • Appendix H: Costs Involved in Managing Highly Migratory Species


NMFS actions related to FMP implementation

  • April 7, 2004: Final rule to establish a number of conservation and management measures for the fisheries managed under the HMS FMP.
  • March 11, 2004: Final rule to prohibit shallow longline sets targeting swordfish east of 150° W longitude by vessels managed under the HMS FMP.
  • February 4, 2004: NMFS partially approves the FMP. (View the approval letter.)


HMS Fishery Management Plan Amendments

Amendment 1 to the HMS FMP (Reorganization of the FMP and bigeye tuna rebuilding plan)

Amendment 2 (Made the HMS FMP consistent with advisory guidelines for National Standard 1)


HMS Fishery Management Plan Amendments In Progress

No Plan amendments are currently in development
