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Join this Preparedness Discussion forum to connect with fellow coalition members across the country. This forum allows you to view, create, and respond to discussions created by members throughout the country.

SubjectRepliesLast Message
New to this forum and just looking to network with like mined indiviuals who share some of the same concerns and views as myself. I am a paramedic/fir
by charlie gill
1 yesterday at 2:20 pm
by Lauren Modeen - Community Manager (Contractor)
Good morning from Minnesota– Currently, I'm a security analyst on contract with a multinational technology and consulting corporation in the pri
by Brad Apitz - G4S Secure Solutions USA
1 yesterday at 2:12 pm
by Lauren Modeen - Community Manager (Contractor)
New Meat !  
Howdy All , new to the group . Scott Van Dusen Boeing Space Exploration Fire Chief / Emergency Managment
by Scotty Van dusen
3 2 days ago
by Lauren Modeen - Community Manager (Contractor)
Business Continuity Planning  
Good Afternoon All: My name is Lynn and I am writing business continuity plans for my firm. Has anyone been there and done that? I would appreciate a
by Lynn Rubini
10 3 days ago
by Lauren Eineker - Moderator (Contractor)
Getting the Community Involved  
I'm a veteran in Charlotte, NC. I'd like to get CERT-ified and launch a new non profit based on preparedness education. Wouldn't it be great to have m
by Angela Hamon - Three Quarters Foundation
1 9 days ago
by Lauren Modeen - Community Manager (Contractor)
Hello, I am Jabe Fincher and I live in Alabama. I have experience in crisis intervention counseling, disaster response, policy and procedures develop
by Jabe Fincher
1 9 days ago
by Lauren Modeen - Community Manager (Contractor)
My Name is Jenny and recovering from a fire, and trying to help others  
So, we lost nearly everything in a house fire July 7 2012 a family of six two adults and four kids. Learning that we WERE NOT prepared, that most peop
by Jenny Hontz
11 9 days ago
by NPM Team - FEMA
Anyone in Minnesota?  
I am interested in disaster preparedness awareness/planning with an emphasis on preparing to care for neighbors and the community as well as self/fami
by Nanci Stoddard
1 11 days ago
by NPM Team - FEMA
How about Trailer Safety During a Tornado/Trailer Fires  
What is the Qualification on A Trailer During a Server Thunderstorm and or During a Tornado where and what is the Safest Place to go when a Tornado Hi
by Carl Buckley
2 2 weeks ago
by Lauren Eineker - Moderator (Contractor)
I'm Bob Bowen and I live in Southern California in a Mobile Home Park. Many aspects of the basic emergency plans are common but in some cases, one siz
by Robert Bowen
2 2 weeks ago
by Lauren Eineker - Moderator (Contractor)
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