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         Bill Kobren, Director

Bill Kobren
Logistics & Sustainment Center

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   Home Skip Navigation LinksAT&L Functional Gateways > Life Cycle Logistics > Director Bill Kobren's Blogs

Acquisition Community Symposium 

Tags: Acquisition Workforce, Defense Acquisition University (DAU), Logistics Tools & References, Product Support & Sustainment, DAU Learning Assets

Just a quick reminder that the Defense Acquisition University will host its annual Acquisition Community Symposium on April 12, 2011 at our Fort Belvoir Campus. High level officials from both government and industry will address the theme "Making Every Dollar Count - Improving Acquisition Outcomes" at this one-day event. Registration for the conference is open now at: https://www.dauaa.org/Symposium2011/20Registration11.asp .


The conference opens with a keynote by the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, The Honorable Ashton Carter, followed by an Acquisition Executive Panel moderated by The Honorable Frank Kendall, Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, to focus on the Services' achievement of the Under Secretary's Better Buying Power Directive. Also on the agenda are:


·         The Honorable Christine Fox, Director of the Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (CAPE) Office,

·         Mr. Peter Levine of the Senate Armed Services Committee,

·         Mr. Stan Soloway, President of the Professional Services Council, and

·         Breakout sessions that will address implementation of the Under Secretary's affordability initiatives and will also provide an update of the ongoing activities, products, and initiatives being developed by the DoD teams implementing the recommendations of the November 2009 Weapon System Acquisition Reform (WSAR) Product Support Assessment report.


The symposium will conclude with dinner and a speech by former Congressman Chris Shays, co-chair of the Commission on Wartime Contracting; presentations honoring the Alumni Association's Acker Award 2011 winner and research paper competition winners (Hirsch Prize); and the induction of new DAU Hall of Fame members.


For the life cycle logistics community members the evening banquet promises to be a particularly memorable event, as Mr Randy Fowler, the retiring Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (DASD) for Materiel Readiness and Life Cycle Logistics career field Functional Leader will be inducted into the Defense Acquisition University Hall of Fame.  Encourage you to attend  both this outstanding acquisition symposium and dinner.

Posted by Bill Kobren CPL on 8-Mar-11
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Registration commented on Monday, 11-Apr-2011
Is it too late to register for this conference?

Acquisition Community Symposium commented on Monday, 11-Apr-2011
Editor's Note: This conference will be among the largest to-date. Unfortunately the event is completely sold out, so there will not be walk-in registration. Given the popularity of this annual Spring Acqusition Symposium and the annual Fall PEO-SYSCOM Commander's Conference, recommend registering early in the future to ensure you can attend.

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