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Section 508 Self-Evaluation Survey


Section 508 (508 statute html, 508 statute pdf) requires that Federal agencies' electronic and information technology is accessible to people with disabilities, including employees and members of the public. Every two years, the Department of Justice is required to issue a status report to the Congress and the President on the federal government's progress in complying with Section 508.

On January 18, 2001, a memorandum was sent to all Chief Information Officers initiating the self-evaluation survey necessary to prepare the report. Attached to the memorandum was an information package containing the surveys and other information. Copies of these documents are available in HTML and PDF.

The Survey is now closed.

Other Questions? Contact the Department of Justice's Section 508 Coordinators:


voice mail: 202-305-8304
TTY mail: 202-353-8944
facsimile: (202) 307-1198

For persons with disabilities, all of the Department's documents referenced on this web site are available in alternate formats including large print, Braille, and audio cassette by contacting the Department's Section 508 Coordinators.

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last modified November 27, 2001

General Information Office of the Assistant Attorney General
Thomas E. Perez
Assistant Attorney General
Civil Rights Division
(202) 514-4609
Telephone Device for the Deaf (TTY) (202) 514-0716
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