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Have a question you would like to submit? Submit one here.


ACPA General Pain Management

How do I find out more information about my pain problems?
How can I make my family understand how much pain I'm in?
What is a multidisciplinary pain management program (MPP)?
What is chronic pain?
How can I find a doctor who specializes in pain management?
I don't understand why my doctor is asking me to take a new medicine. How can I find out more about what it is for and ways it might effect me?
Is my pain all in my head?

Addiction, Dependence and Tolerance

I’ve been told that there is a difference between physical dependence and addiction to pain medications, but I don’t understand. Can you explain the difference to me?


Why did my doctor give me an antidepressant for my pain? I’m in pain, not depressed! Can’t he see that the only problem is my pain? I need help now!


What is biofeedback and how can it help me with pain management?

FDA Regulation (REMS)

What do you think is going to happen to people like myself that depend on opiates just to get through a day because of what might happen with REMS (Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies)? I’m worried what restrictions the FDA will place on these medications making them more difficult for people with pain to obtain.


I was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia. What is fibromyalgia? What are the risk factors for this condition? How is it treated and what type of practitioners should I be seeing?

Medication Dosage and Use

Three days ago, my daughter was prescribed an antibiotic for an ear infection. She is very small for her age, and I’m hesitant to give her the whole dose because I don’t think the healthcare provider considered her weight when determining the dose. I’ve been breaking the pill in half and she seems better. Did I do the right thing?
I have a difficult time swallowing large pills, and in the past, I’ve crushed the pills up and mixed them into food to make them easier to take. Are there any medications that I shouldn’t do this with?
I’ve been prescribed narcotics because of chronic pain, and the bottle says I should avoid operating heavy machinery and driving when I take them. Can you tell me why? Is there anything else I should avoid, like herbal supplements?

Medication Safety

I have some over-the-counter medications with an expiration date that has passed. Is it safe to still use these medications?


I have been told by pain management specialists that I have a naturally opioid blockers that prevent any and all pain medication from relieving the severe pain that I suffer from. My doctors have said that the only option left for me is methadone and I don't want to do that. Isn't that a medication that they give to heroin users or drug abusers in general?

Neuropathic Pain

Why do I feel pins and needles one minute and sharp stabbing pain the next?
Why am I experiencing nerve pain?
What is the difference between nerve pain and muscle pain?
What is neuropathic pain?
Is nerve pain a serious medical condition?
Do I need to see a specialist?
How do I manage nerve pain?
Is there anything I can do or take without seeing my doctor?
Can nerve pain be cured?

Shingles (Herpes Zoster)

I’ve had shingles for more than six months and I'm still not out of the woods. My left shoulder, upper back, and neck are very painful. My doctor prescribed Gabapentin. Is there an ointment that would help soothe my pain?
Two years ago I got shingles it started with pressure in my sinus area and awful headaches and it went into my right eye. My question is why do I still have the pressure in the sinus and some pain in my right eye at times? Could this go on for years? What can be done?
I’m experiencing pain from zoster (shingles). What causes the pain and is there any treatment for it?
I’ve heard that zoster is caused by a virus. Can I transmit this virus to others? Should I avoid contact with my one-year-old grandson while I have zoster?


I have been prescribed Tegretol to treat trigeminal neuralgia. The package insert says this is an anticonvulsant medication. Does this mean I have a seizure disorder or I’m at risk of convulsing?
Why aren’t traditional pain medications like Tylenol, Percocet, or Vicodin used for controlling the pain of trigeminal neuralgia?
When I was given the original prescription for Tegretol, I was told the dose would likely be increased over time. Why?

Working With Your Doctor

What can I expect from a visit with a Pain Management Doctor?
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