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Manages and directs services programs, operations, and retail operations.



Duties And Responsibilities

Duties And Responsibilities
Duties And Responsibilities
Manages services operations. Improves work methods and procedures to ensure economic operation and customer satisfaction. Resolves complaints. Applies accounting principles to control resources. Determines appropriated and nonappropriated fund (NAF) budget requirements. Requisitions and accounts for subsistence, supplies, and equipment needed to support services programs. Identifies facility requirements and conducts surveys to determine facility renovation, construction, and modernization needs. Develops capital expenditures programs for NAF and APF for services facilities. Establishes equipment layout, and operating and maintenance procedures. Manages NAF and APF accounts. Maintains close liaison with commanders and unit fitness managers on the Air Force Fitness Program. Operates and supervises automated accounting, requisitioning, and reporting systems. Establishes and supervises bare base facilities that provide food, fitness, lodging, sports management, recreation, laundry, mortuary services, and field exchange operations to deployed personnel. Inspects and evaluates services activities. Determines effectiveness of service and retail operation programs by analyzing accomplishments with planned program standards and goals. Ensures storage facilities and procedures adequately safeguard subsistence, equipment, and supplies. Performs quality assurance evaluation duties for contract services. Analyzes inspection findings and takes corrective action. Performs services functions. Operates fixed, bare base, and portable food facilities and equipment. Plans, prepares, and adjusts menus. Determines resource availability, pricing, and merchandise trends. Establishes resale merchandise prices, inventory levels, and safeguarding procedures. Maintains liaison with civilian industry to keep abreast of current trends, product development, and improved customer service techniques. Ascertains occupancy status, and determines and certifies nonavailability of transient quarters. Trains unit fitness monitors to conduct unit fitness evaluations. Explains concepts of fitness requirements. Explains and demonstrates proper conditioning procedures, weight training, and aerobic equipment techniques. Promotes physical fitness participation. Works technical mortuary functions such as supervising teams for the search and recovery of human remains. Arranges for transporting and disposition of remains. Ensures mortuary entitlements, escorts, and military honors are arranged. Establishes and maintains mortuary case files.


Specialty Qualifications

Specialty Qualifications
Specialty Qualifications
Knowledge. Knowledge is mandatory of: accounting procedures; management principles; merchandising; marketing; customer service; automated information systems; use of business machines; food service facility operations; subsistence management; requisition and issue procedures; menu planning; lodging operations; fitness, sports, and recreation program development; personnel management; APF and NAF budgetary sources and processes; facility and equipment maintenance procedures; basic business administration concepts; NAF procedures; retail operations; responsibilities for mortuary affairs, and search and recovery procedures; responsibilities for lost, damaged, stolen, or destroyed property; and operation of services readiness units.

Education. For entry into this specialty, completion of high school with courses in business arithmetic, accounting, computers, home economics, physical education, and typing is desirable.

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Classes taken in high school or college (Click all that apply):
Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Scores (required):