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2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003


December 2010 - Local Foods Take Diverse Paths From Producers to Consumers
Feature articles in the December 2010 issue include ... Varied Interests Drive Growing Popularity of Local Foods, Local Food Supply Chains Use Diverse Business Models to Satisfy Demand, Labor-Intensive U.S. Fruit and Vegetable Industry Competes in a Global Market, Price Spikes in Global Rice Markets Benefit U.S. Growers, at Least in the Short Term, The Two Faces of Rural Population Loss Through Outmigration. Other articles cover such topics as USDA's Karnal Bunt Regulatory Program Protects U.S. Wheat Exports, Simulated ACRE Payments and Risk Reduction Point to Midwest as a Potential Winner, More Americans Relied on Food Assistance During Recession, State Participation Rates for SNAP Mask County-Level Variation, Market Share Affects Price Differences Between Nontraditional and Traditional Retailers, WIC Infants Less Likely to Be Exclusively Breastfed, Farm Act's Regional Equity Provision May Entail Conservation Tradeoffs, U.S. Farmers Increasingly Adopt "No-Till" for Major Crops, Compare Your Area's "Food Environment" With the Rest of the Country. The issue also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, farm households, and rural America.
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September 2010 - Food Related Energy Use Increased
Feature articles in the September 2010 issue include ... Fuel for Food: Energy Use in the U.S. Food System; A Positive Path for Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa: Options and Challenges; Taxing Caloric Sweetened Beverages To Curb Obesity; World Sugar Price Volatility Intensified by Market and Policy Factors; U.S. Farm Structure: Declining-But Persistent-Small Commercial Farms; and Accelerated Productivity Growth Offsets Decline in Resource Expansion in Global Agriculture. Other articles cover such topics as policy options to increase incomes of Mali's cotton farmers, ERS's distance learning initiative with minority institutions, effects of coupons on produce purchases, food safety controls at meat and poultry plants, U.S. agricultural productivity growth, outcomes for targeted farmers participating in conservation programs, direct to consumer sales by farmers, and effects of direct payments on farmers' production decisions. The September issue also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America.
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June 2010 - Russia Could Become Top Wheat Exporter By 2019
Feature articles in the June 2010 issue include ... Former Soviet Union Region to Play Larger Role in Meeting World Wheat Needs, Next-Generation Biofuels: Near-Term Challenges and Implications for Agriculture, Challenges Facing USDA's Conservation Reserve Program, America's Organic Farmers Face Issues and Opportunities. Other articles cover such topics as the volatility of the Indian sugar market, price spikes in Afghanistan's wheat market, Indonesian policy's impact on food security and trade, school policies associated with less fat in school lunches, eating out increases daily calorie intake, children receive lower benefits after welfare reform, new store-brand food products, rural populations rates of chronic disease and disability, rural development assistance to distressed counties, half of farm expenditures spent locally. The June issue also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America.
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March 2010 - Tracking the American Diet for 100 Years
Feature articles in the March 2010 issue include ... Access to Affordable, Nutritious Food is Limited in "Food Deserts," Organic Dairy Sector Evolves to Meet Changing Demand, Consumers' Response to 2006 Foodborne Illness Outbreak Linked to Spinach, Economic Recovery: Lessons Learned from Previous Recessions, Guess Who's Turning 100? Tracking a Century of American Eating. Other articles cover such topics as … China's industrial corn processing boom, expanding demand for organic foods, peanut processing and sales following peanut-product recalls, demand for at-home fresh vegetables, SNAP benefits and eating out, food insecurity in households with children, WIC, Americans' diet quality, climate change, reservation farms' conservation investments, and measures of farm household well-being. The March issue also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America.
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December 2009 - Poultry Producers Adopting Practices to Reduce Antibiotic Use
Feature articles in the December 2009 issue include ... Science, Technology, and Prospects for Growth in U.S. Corn Yields, Debt Landscape for U.S. Farms Has Shifted, Removal of Government Controls Opens Peanut and Tobacco Sectors to Market Forces, Income Volatility Is Rising with Mixed Effects on Nutrition Assistance Participation, Food Insecurity Up in Recessionary Times, Global Economic Crisis Threatens Food Security in Lower Income Countries. Other articles cover such topics as corn, soybean, and wheat futures market traders, trade and development when exports are volatile: Malawi, increasing size of dairy farms, time spent on shopping, preparing, and eating, WIC not linked to overweight children, search for alternatives to antibiotics in broiler industry, farm definition, conservation reserve program and farmland on reservations, cellulosic ethanol from crop residue, retail dairy prices and farm value The issue also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, farm households, and rural America.
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September 2009 - Access, Cost Are Among Rural Health Care Issues
Feature articles in the September 2009 issue include ... Taking the Pulse of Rural Health Care, Baby Boom Migration Tilts Toward Rural America, Broadband Internet Service Helping Create a Rural Digital Economy, and Full Throttle U.S. Ethanol Expansion Faces Challenges Down the Road. Other articles cover such topics as…inspections of food imports, income sources for farm households, wheat prices, China's cotton use, the relationship between food assistance benefits and the economy, the effect of price reductions on consumption of fruit and vegetables by low-income Americans, manure management, the relationship between land use and global warming, and the variety of foods imported into the U.S. The issue also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, farm households, and rural America.
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June 2009 - U.S. Agricultural Trade Falters in the Wake of Global Recession
Feature articles in June 2009 issue include… Federal Estate Taxes Affecting Fewer Farmers but the Future is Uncertain; Food Policy: Check the List of Ingredients; A Weakening Global Economy Interrupts Agricultural Trade; How Tightly Has China Embraced Market Reforms in Agriculture? Other articles cover such topics as…Russia's Surge in Agricultural Imports Comes to a Halt; Consumers Show Strong Brand Loyalty in Cheese Purchases; Food Insecurity Less Prevalent in Canada than the United States; Some Households Leaving SNAP Still Face Food Shortfalls; Rising Food Prices and Economic Uncertainty Take Toll on Traditional Grocers; Adulteration Accounts for Majority of FDA Food-Related Import Refusals; Nonmetro Areas Showing the Effects of the Economic Downturn; Scenic Landscapes Enhance Rural Growth; and Beginning Farmers and Ranchers: Who Are They? The issue also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, farm households, and rural America.
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March 2009 - Growing Biofuel Demand Could Transform Agricultural Landscape-Past Commodity Price Spikes Provide Lessons
Feature articles in the March 2009 issue include…Growing Crops for Biofuels Has Spillover Effects; Agricultural Commodity Price Spikes in 1970s and 1990s: Valuable Lessons for Today; Grain Prices Impact Entire Livestock Production Cycle; Recent Volatility in U.S. Fertilizer Prices: Causes and Consequences; When Nudging in the Lunch Line Might Be a Good Thing. Other articles cover such topics as…What's Next for NAFTA? Columbia Becoming a New Ethanol Player; Consumers Willing to Pay a Premium for Organic Produce; Working Parents Outsource Children's Meals; Higher Food Prices Can Take a Bite Out of SNAP Benefits; Agriculture and Water Quality Trading: Exploring the Possibilities; The Evolving Public Agricultural Research Portfolio; Million-Dollar Farms Dominate Production of Some Commodities; Federal Funding in Rural America Goes Far Beyond Agriculture; and Got Data? Multiple Data Sources Track U.S. Food Consumption. The issue also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, farm households, and rural America.
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November 2008 - Many Factors Contribute to Fluctuating Global Food Prices
Feature articles in the November 2008 issue include ... Fluctuating Food Commodity Prices-A Complex Issue With No Easy Answers; New Market Realities Affect Crop Program Choices; Can Low-Income Americans Afford a Healthy Diet?; Market Failures: When the Invisible Hand Gets Shaky; A Pilot Program for U.S. Food Aid; Lasting Influence of BSE on U.S. Protein Feed Markets; Stabilizing Federal Support for Emergency Food Providers; 2008 Farm Act Makes It Easier for Food Assistance Households To Save; Conservation Reserve Program Acreage to Decline; Will Benefits Also Fall?; Conservation Program Provision May Have Limited Impact on Underserved Farmer Participation; New Payment Limits, Lower Income Cap Unlikely to Have Significant Impact; Child Health and Well-Being Differ for Metro and Nonmetro Low-Income Households; 2008 Farm Act: Where Will the Money Go?; The issue also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, farm households, and rural America.
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September 2008 - Imports Bring Risk of Foreign Pests and Diseases
Feature articles in the September 2008 issue include ...Obesity in the Midst of Unyielding Food Insecurity in Developing Countries; Regulating Agricultural Trade to Keep Out Foreign Pests and Disease; Creating Markets for Environmental Stewardship: Potential Benefits and Problems; Balancing Nutrition, Participation, and Cost in the National School Lunch Program. Other articles cover such topics as Consumer Preferences Change Wheat Flour Use; What's Behind the Surge in Global Rice Prices?; Use of Nutrition Labels Declining, Especially Among Young Adults; Despite Higher Food Prices, Percent of U.S. Income Spent on Food Remains Constant; Rapid Growth in Adoption of Genetically Engineered Crops Continues in US; Fee Hunting May Boost Farm Income, Wildlife Habitat; Small Farms Still Important in Broiler Production; U.S. Organic Handlers Mostly Small, Focus on Fruit and Vegetables. The issue also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, farm households, and rural America.
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June 2008 - China's Food Export Growth Is Constrained
Feature articles in the June 2008 issue include ... Who Will China Feed?; Food Stamps and Obesity: What We Know and What It Means; World Trade Organization and Globalization Help Facilitate Growth in Agricultural Trade; Defining the "Rural" in Rural America. Other articles cover such topics as Marketing Loans Induced Acreage Expansion in U.S. Dry Peas; ERS and Collaborators Model Foot-and-Mouth Disease Outbreaks; Lower Income Households Spend Additional Income on Foods Other Than Fruits and Vegetables; Almonds Lead Increase in Tree Nut Consumption; Pest Problems Abroad May Affect Compliance with U.S. Safeguards; Soil Conservation Preserves Reservoir Benefits Nationwide; A Look at the Economic Well-being of Farm Households; Farm Size Behind Regional Differences in Hog Output and Productivity. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, farm households, and rural America.
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April 2008 - Food Companies Compete for Consumers' Dollars
Feature articles in the April 2008 issue include ... Hired Farmworkers a Major Input for Some U.S. Farm Sectors, Technology, Larger Farm Size Increased Productivity on U.S. Hog Farms, Global Market Opportunities Drive Beef Production Decisions in Argentina and Uruguay, and Twenty Years of Competition Reshape the U.S. Food Marketing System. Other articles cover such topics as Japan's orange market, market for whey, carrot consumption, food stamp benefits as a fiscal stimulus, research on food and nutrition assistance policy, agricultural contracts, energy-saving farm production practices, health insurance among farm operators, nonmetro college completion rates, and sanitary and phytosanitary measures. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, farm households, and rural America.
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February 2008 - Education Underlies Metro-Nonmetro Pay Gap
Feature articles in the February 2008 issue include ... Corn Prices Near Record High, But What About Food Costs?; Rising Food Prices Intensify Food Insecurity in Developing Countries; Converging Patterns in Global Food Consumption and Food Delivery Systems; Education's Role in the Metro-Nonmetro Earnings Divide. Other articles cover such topics as Canadian Dollar Reaches Parity with U.S. Dollar; Stronger Canadian Dollar Puts Pressure on Canada's Pork Industry; High Fructose Corn Syrup Usage May Be Leveling Off; Disability Is an Important Risk Factor for Food Insecurity; Agricultural Research Sustains Productivity Growth and Earns High Returns; Land Retirement Programs May Induce Enduring Land-Use Changes; Hog Operations Increasingly Large, More Specialized; Agritourism Offers Opportunities For Farm Operators. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, farm households, and rural America.
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November 2007 - Food Labels Influence Production Decisions
Feature articles in the November 2007 issue include ... Do Food Labels Make a Difference? Sometimes; Integrating Conservation and Commodity Program Payments: A Look at the Tradeoffs; The Future of Biofuels: A Global Perspective; Cropland Concentrating Faster Where Payments Are Higher. Other articles cover such topics as…Chinese exchange rate policy, global wheat production, food product introductions, Americans' dairy consumption, effect of the Conservation Reserve Program on outdoor recreation, forces affecting nitrogen fertilizer prices, arts employment in rural areas, "million-dollar" farms, and measuring the distribution of farms and farm sizes. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, farm households, and rural America.
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September 2007 - Ethanol: Fueling Adjustments Beyond the Corn Sector
Feature articles in the September 2007 issue include… U.S. Ethanol Expansion Driving Changes Throughout the Agricultural Sector, U.S. Trade Growth: A New Beginning or a Repeat of the Past?, U.S. Consumers Had Short-Term Response to First BSE Announcements, and Low Costs Drive Production to Large Dairy Farms. Other articles cover such topics as…NAFTA, U.S. sugar program, food preparation time, food spending, genetically engineered crops, nutrient management, productivity, income eligibility cap for farm payments, and organic production. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, farm households, and rural America.
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June 2007 - Behavioral Factors Influence Food Choices
Feature articles in the June 2007 issue include… Insidious Consumption: Surprising Factors That Influence What We Eat and How Much; The Importance of Farm Program Payments to Farm Households; Outbreak Linked to Spinach Forces Reassessment of Food Safety Practices; and Struggling to Feed the Family: What Does It Mean to be Food Insecure?". Other articles cover such topics as…Chinese consumers, identity preservation, U.S. grain markets, bottled water, carbonated soft drinks, coffee, conservation compliance, research and development, income, wealth, and food consumption. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, farm households, and rural America.
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May 2007 Special Issue - Perspectives on Food and Farm Policy
Feature articles in the Special Issue (May 2007) include… Managing Risk with Revenue Insurance, Relaxing Fruit and Vegetable Planting Restrictions, Emphasis Shifts in U.S. Conservation Policy, Environmental Credit Trading: Can Farming Benefit?, Food Assistance: How Strong Is the Safety Net?, Improving Food Choices-Can Food Stamps Do More?, Policy Options for a Changing Rural America, and Ethanol Reshapes the Corn Market. Other articles and statistical presentations cover such topics as…farm household well-being, organic farming, fruit and vegetable trade, the effect of decoupled payments on resource allocations in the farm sector, the role bidding can play in conservation program cost-effectiveness, "green" government payments, country-of-origin labeling, the role of the National School Lunch Program in nutrition assistance, and the U.S. soybean sector
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April 2007 - Farm Business Survival…Experience Matters
Feature articles in the April 2007 issue include…Experience Counts: Farm Business Survival in the U.S., The Creative Class: A Key to Rural Growth, Improving Food Choices-Can Food Stamps Do More?, and Population Dynamics are Changing the Profile of Rural Areas. Other articles cover such topics as…U.S. cotton production, U.S. feedgrains sector, the impact of the fruit and vegetable dietary restrictions on U.S. agriculture, coffee bean price changes, farmland preservation, regional environment and agriculture programming model, the American Community Survey, nonmetro manufacturing counties, and specialized farms. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America
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February 2007 - Eliminating Planting Restrictions…How Would Markets Adjust?
Feature articles in the February 2007 issue include…Relaxing Fruit and Vegetable Restrictions, Weaker Dollar Strengthens U.S. Agriculture, Farmers Balance Off-Farm Work and Technology Adoption. Other articles cover such topics as…organic poultry and eggs, rough rice exports, the National School Lunch Program, food retailing, targeting conservation funds, using bidding to improve cost-effectiveness of conservation programs, farm net cash income, combining income and conservation payments, and the effects of BSE on livestock and meat trade. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America.
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November 2006 - Poverty and the Cost of Living
Feature articles in the November 2006 issue include…Adjusting for Living Costs Can Change Who Is Considered Poor, Food Safety Improvements Underway in China, Managing Risk with Revenue Insurance, Brazil's Booming Agriculture Faces Obstacles. Other articles cover such topics as…U.S. imports of Mexican avocados, export shares of U.S. agricultural production, food choices when eating out, infant formula prices in WIC, irrigation, nonmetro earnings, reclassification of nonmetro areas, rural development, and U.S. consumers' spending patterns for fresh produce. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America.
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September 2006 - Examining the Food Assistance Safety Net
Feature articles in the September 2006 issue include…Food Assistance: How Strong Is the Safety Net?, Income Volatility Complicates Food Assistance, Global Agriculture and the Doha Round-Market Access is the Key, and Agricultural Policy Affects Land Use and the Environment. Other articles cover such topics as…Japan's dairy industry, effects of textile trade liberalization on U.S. rural communities, food price changes since Hurricane Katrina, the effects of the food stamp program on the agricultural economy, emergency food assistance, adoption of GE crops, agricultural resources and environmental indicators, U.S. soybean sector, U.S. fruit and vegetable sector, and women in horse farming. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America.
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July 2006 - Special Issue: Agriculture and the Environment
Feature articles in the July 2006 Special Issue include…Emphasis Shifts in U.S. Conservation Policy, Measuring the Success of Conservation Programs, Land Retirement and Working-land Conservation Structures: A Look at Farmers' Choices, Farmland Retirement's Impact on Rural Growth, Improving Air and Water Quality Can Be Two Sides of the Same Coin, Environmental Credit Trading: Can Farming Benefit? Other articles cover such topics as…conservation program design, rural amenities, purchase of development rights, conservation compliance, soil erosion, organic farming, global warming, carbon sequestration, hypoxia, cropping practices, ARMS data, cropland area, wetland losses.
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June 2006 - Rural Meat Processing Industry Draws Hispanic Workers
Feature articles in the June 2006 issue include…Meat-Processing Firms Attract Hispanic Workers to Rural America, Land Retirement and Working-land Conservation Structures: A Look at Farmers' Choices, A Revolution in Food Retailing Underway in the Asia-Pacific Region, and Where Should the Money Go? Aligning Policies with Preferences. Other articles cover such topics as…U.S.-India oilseed trade, global hunger, children's diets and WIC, Americans' potato consumption, Environmental Benefits Index, land use, farm program payments, food industry mergers and acquisitions, and the costs associated with foodborne illness. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America.
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April 2006 - Public Information Helps Farmers Make Better Decisions
Feature articles in the April 2006 issue include…Public Information Creates Value, Adjusting to High Energy Costs in Agriculture and Rural Economies, Economic Effects of Animal Diseases Linked to Trade Dependency, and Ethanol Reshapes the Corn Market. Other articles cover such topics as…Brazil livestock trade, Chinese banks, low-income households' grocery expenditures, poultry consumption, U.S. organic farming, invasive species, U.S. peanut sector, U.S. wheat farms, and China's production and trade of fruits and vegetables. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America.
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February 2006 - EU and U.S. Organic Sectors Shaped by Different Policies
Feature articles in the February 2006 issue include…EU and U.S. Organic Markets Face Strong Demand Under Different Policies, The World Bids Farewell to the Multifiber Arrangement, Agricultural Contracting: Trading Autonomy for Risk Reduction, Food Stamps and Obesity: Ironic Twist or Complex Puzzle?. Other articles cover such topics as…tobacco, Indian apples, pathogen testing, food security, ammonia emissions, conservation practices, homeownership, internet access, persistent poverty. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America.
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November 2005 - Store Formats Key to Food Price Variations
Feature articles in the November issue include…Where You Shop Matters: Store Formats Drive Variation in Retail Food Prices; Education As a Rural Development Strategy; Changing Federal Tax Policies Affect Farm Households Differently; U.S. Dairy At a New Crossroads in a Global Setting. Other articles cover such topics as…cotton yields and import demand in India, Japan apple imports, livestock price reporting, consumption of whole-grain foods, food consumption, farm exits and entries, patenting and technology transfer, conservation program design, government assistance to farmers, and time use. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America.
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September 2005 - Asia-Pacific Food Demand Increasingly Concentrated in Urban Areas
Feature articles in the September issue include…Farm Poverty Lowest in U.S. History, Asia-Pacific Transportation Infrastructure: Linking Food Sources to Urban Centers, Rural Areas Benefit From Recreation and Tourism Development, Improving Air and Water Quality Can Be Two Sides of the Same Coin. Other articles cover such topics as…food consumption in rural China, organic price premiums, global food security, consumption of nonalcoholic beverages, diet quality, crop genetic diversity, adoption of genetically engineered crops, job growth in nonmetro low-employment counties, older women and poverty in rural areas, and a composite measure of economic well-being. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America.
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June 2005 - Will Americans Eat More Whole Grains?
Feature articles in the June 2005 issue include…Will 2005 Be the Year of the Whole Grain?, North America Moves Toward One Market, Obesity Policy and the Law of Unintended Consequences, and Why Hasn't Crop Insurance Eliminated Disaster Assistance?. Other articles cover such topics as…preferential trade, China agricultural policy, fruit and vegetable trade, food product introductions, food stamp participation, biotech patent ownership, agricultural productivity, farm structure, retirement destination counties, low education counties, and agricultural history. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America.
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April 2005 - U.S. Farmers Plan for Retirement
Feature articles in the April 2005 issue include…How Do U.S. Farmers Plan for Retirement?, North American Greenhouse Tomatoes Emerge as a Major Market Force, Policy Options for a Changing Rural America, and Understanding Economic and Behavioral Influences on Fruit and Vegetable Choices. Other articles cover such topics as…hard white wheat, ethyl alcohol (ethanol), agricultural imports, whole grains consumption, hog production contracts, food stamp participation by elderly people, emergent adaptive farm operators, tax laws, population loss counties, public assistance programs, and U.S. household food security. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America.
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February 2005 - Global Supply Chains Shape Processed Food Trade
Feature articles in the February 2005 issue include…Processed Food Trade Pressured by Evolving Global Supply Chains; The Price is Right: Economics and the Rise in Obesity; Farm Programs, Natural Amenities, and Rural Development; U.S.-Canadian Hog Trade: Market Integration at Work. Other articles cover such topics as…Japan's wheat production, China's economic growth, U.S. tobacco program, cheese consumption, WIC food costs, farm operators, farm income for corn farmers, job losses in manufacturing-dependent counties, nonmetro labor markets, and farm structure. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America.
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November 2004 - U.S. Farm Programs: States' Role Could Be Broadened
Feature articles in the November 2004 issue include...Devolution of Farm Programs Could Broaden States' Role in Ag Policy, Farmland Retirement's Impact on Rural Growth, U.S. Peanut Sector Adapts to Major Policy Changes, Low-Skill Jobs: A Shrinking Share of the Rural Economy. Other articles cover such topics as...grain exports from the Black Sea region, China's demand for commodities, contract use, obesity, decoupled payments, direct payments, the rural-urban continuum, rural housing stress, and U.S. demographic data. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America.
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September 2004 - Evaluating Conservation Programs: Understanding the Linkages
Feature articles in the September 2004 issue include...Measuring the Success of Conservation Programs, European Union Adopts Significant Farm Reform, Sharing the Economic Burden: Who Pays for WIC's Infant Formula?, Fifty Years of U.S. Food Aid and Its Role in Reducing World Hunger. Other article cover such topics as...meat price spreads, soybean price forecasts, local food stamp office practices, spending at full-service and fast food restaurants, soybean rust, genetically engineered crop acreage, Federal funding in rural America, persistent poverty in rural counties, and trade in textiles and apparel. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America.
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June 2004 - Demographic Trends Shape the Asia-Pacific Food System
Feature articles in the June 2004 issue include: Where Will Demographics Take the Asia-Pacific Food System? Emergency Food Providers Help Poor Households Put Food on the Table, Have Conservation Compliance Incentives Reduced Soil Erosion? Rural Hispanics: Employment and Residential Trends. Other articles cover such topics as... Cuba's tropical fruit industry, global trade in fruits and vegetables, Mexico's corn industry, low income households' expenditures on fruits and vegetables, obesity, irrigation in the western U.S., farmland retirement, rural job loss in Virginia, farming-dependent counties, and cropping practices. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America.
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April 2004 - Information and Innovation Strengthen Food Safety
Feature articles in the April 2004 issue include: Food Traceability: One Ingredient in a Safe and Efficient Food Supply; Savvy Buyers Spur Food Safety Innovations in Meat Processing; Beyond Environmental Compliance: Stewardship as Good Business; A Historic Enlargement: Ten Countries Prepare to Join the European Union. Other articles cover such topics as...U.S. ag exports of high-value products; U.S. aquaculture; country-of-origin labeling; food stamp participation; food safety; farm bankruptcies; carbon sequestration and global warming; growth of Hispanics in the rural workforce; rural homeownership; and urban influence. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America.
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February 2004 - Seed Industry Consolidation…Impact on Research?
Feature articles in the February 2004 issue include: Have Seed Industry Changes Affected Research Effort?; Anatomy of Nonmetro High Poverty Areas: Common in Plight, Distinctive in Nature; The Elephant is Jogging: New Pressures for Agricultural Reform in India; The U.S. Ag Trade Balance. Other articles cover such topics as...U.S. sheep industry; Russia's impact on global livestock market; floriculture; jury awards for foodborne illness lawsuits; food insecurity and hunger; milk consumption by generation; farm household well-being; nitrogen and potash fertilizer imports; application of science and technology to developing countries; employment and population in rural America; rural public transportation; effects of trade with China on rural America; economics of the food and fiber system. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America.
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November 2003 - Trade Partners Seek Common Ground on Food Safety Issues
Feature articles in the November 2003 issue include: Food Safety and Trade: Regulations, Risks, and Reconciliation; From Supply Push to Demand Pull: Agribusiness Strategies for Today's Consumers; Consumers and the Future of Biotech Foods in the United States; Emphasis Shifts in U.S. Agri-Environmental Policy. Other articles cover such topics food consumption and expenditures, China's vegetable exports, livestock shipments, fruit and vegetable consumption in schools, competitive pressure in food marketing, productivity in food manufacturing, hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico, farmland protection, child poverty in rural areas, older population in rural areas, and agricultural biotechnology patents. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America.
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September 2003 - U.S. Tobacco Industry Responds to New Challenges
Feature articles in the September 2003 issue include: U.S. Tobacco Industry Responds to New Competitors, New Challenges; Multilateralism and Regionalism: Dual Strategies for Trade Reform; The Effect of the 1990s on Nonmetro Poverty; Production Costs Critical to Farming Decisions; Balancing Food Costs with Nutrition Goals in WIC. Other articles cover such topics as...vegetable consumption away from home, NAFTA, meat trade, overweight and BMI, food insufficiency, conservation costs and benefits, agricultural resource indicators, rural college graduates, the diversity of rural America, and new Census definitions of nonmetropolitan areas. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America.
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June 2003 - China's Growing Affluence: How Food Markets are Responding
Feature articles in the June 2003 issue include...China's Growing Affluence: How Food Markets are Responding; Plant Genetic Resources: New Rules for International Exchange; Rural Welfare Reform: Lessons Learned; Aiming for Targets, Saving on Arrows: Recent Insights from Two USDA Food Assistance Programs. Other articles cover such topics as....World Wheat Markets; U.S. and EU Agricultural Policies; Consumer Attitudes Toward Biotech Foods; U.S. Hog and Poultry Marketing; Manure Management; Land Degradation and Global Food Security; Low-Skill Workers in Rural America; Hired Farmworkers; Dairy Product Consumption Trends; Agricultural Productivity. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America.
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April 2003 - Dynamics of Agriculture Competitiveness: Policy Lessons From Abroad
Feature articles in the April 2003 issue include....Dynamics of Agricultural Competitiveness: Policy Lessons from Abroad; Methyl Bromide Phaseout: Users Request Exemptions; Consumer-Driven Agriculture: Changing U.S. Demographics Influence Eating Habits; Weighing Incentives for Food Safety in Meat and Poultry. Other articles covers such topics as...Water Scarcity in China; China and WTO Commitments; Foodborne Illness Costs; Emergency Food Providers; Dietary Differences; Trends in Extension Service Resources, Invasive Species Research Initiative; Nonmetro Black Migration; "Digital Divide" and Rural Earnings; Retail Meat Scanner Data. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America.
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February 2003 - A New Window into ERS Research
Feature Articles in the premier issue include... Rural America: Opportunities and Challenges; Putting Food on the Table: Household Food Security in the United States; Managing Manure: New Clean Water Act Regulations Create Imperative for Livestock Producers; Farm Payments: Decoupled Payments Increase Households' Well-being, Not Production. Other topical Findings include... Is Japan Ready for Competition in Its Ag Markets?; The Economic Well-Being of Farm Households; Global Hunger at Its Roots; Sanitary Concerns Restrict U.S.-Mexico Poultry Trade; Farm Financial Picture Looks Promising for 2003; Hold the Fries: Older Americans and Food Choices; Food Stamps and Child Poverty; What If: Cash Instead of Food Stamps; Market Dynamics Keep Food Prices Steady; Rural Amenities: A Key Reason for Farmland Protection; Organic Agriculture Gaining Ground; Rural Welfare Reform: What Have We Learned?; Hispanics Find a Home in Rural America; The Roots of Rural Population Loss; ARMS Data Highlight Trends in Cropping Practices. Also includes an Indicators section providing selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America.
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