Week of June 13th in Review

Jun 27, 2011 Issues: Health Care, Local Issues

I'm very excited to start out this week's e-newsletter highlighting some of our efforts on foster care. A lot of needed attention is being raised about this vital issue on Capitol Hill. For our efforts, we have received a lot of positive media coverage that appears in this e-newsletter. Earlier this week, I was invited to testify before the Subcommittee on Human Resources of the Ways and Means Committee. They held a hearing titled, “Improving Programs Designed to Protect At-Risk Youth” and I can tell you that we have in Congress real champions working to improve the foster care system.

Below is a news clip from WUSA about the exceptional story of Marjorie Delgadillo, an intern working in our Washington office. A former foster youth, Marjorie is from Marin County in California and will be working on foster care issues for our office this summer.  The Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute has graciously sponsored Marjorie along with 15 other interns on Capitol Hill. Our future policy makers and national leaders are making a difference daily on this vital issue.  Watch the story below.

Foster Care Interns

Marjorie tells WUSA9 in Washington, DC that it's a miracle she wound up here... based on her traumatic childhood.  "I was put into the system when I was 13 years old. I was bounced around from foster home to foster home, and shelters," said Delgadillo. Watch the video and read the story by WUSA »

Fostering change

By Kris Kitto, The Hill

Growing up, Estakio Beltran got to be good at surmounting obstacles, both physical and abstract. Not only did he vault his way to a Washington state gymnastics, he also overcame 30 different foster-care placements, as well as transfers to four separate high schools before...
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Staffer’s Mission Stems From Foster Care Past

By Alexandra Jaffe, Roll Call

It was a typical press conference on the Hill. Rep. Karen Bass (D-Calif.) and Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) were discussing their proposal to create more mentorship programs for children in foster care.
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Testifying About At-Risk Youth, Child Family Services

Testimony on Twitter

The Subcommittee on Human Resources of the Ways and Means Committee held a hearing this week titled, “Improving Programs Designed to Protect At-Risk Youth." I testified before the Subcommittee about my experiences 20 years ago as the crack-cocaine drug epidemic created a spike in the number of children removed from the home because of parental substance abuse. Families under great strain were confronted by this trauma, and grandparents began caring for and raising grandchildren, causing newfound challenges on the child welfare system.

I had the opportunity to highlight some of our nation’s best practices in keeping families together, and I referenced our very own organization SHIELDS from South Los Angeles. Though we have come a long way in a short amount of time, the fact remains that there is still enormous work to do to improve our system to help at risk children and families. By providing help to families to prevent the spiral into abuse and neglect, we could avoid the substantial costs of foster care, the trauma of removal, and help families stay together.

Spending Cuts are One Thing, Trying to End Medicare is Unacceptable

Watch Wednesday's interview with Chuck Todd on MSNBC's the Daily Rundown. We spoke about the debt ceiling negotiations going on in Congress. Click below to watch the interview.

MSNBC Interview


Happy Father's Day

I wanted to close this weekly update by wishing all the fathers and all of our families a Happy Father’s Day. We celebrate on Sunday the fathers in our lives, the patriarchs who play such a vital role in our upbringing and development. I hope everyone enjoys time on Sunday to celebrate Dad at a special family gathering.