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INL News Release
Museum of Idaho News Release
Sept. 13, 2005

Media contacts:
Debra Kahl – (208) 526-4714, Debra.Kahl@inl.gov
John Howze – (208) 526-6864, John.Howze@inl.gov
Nick Gailey – (208) 522-1400, ext. 3004, nick.gailey@museumofidaho.org

Note to news directors/editors: "Einstein Alive!" impersonator (Dr. Arden Bercovitz) will arrive in Idaho Falls the evening before the Science Expo. He will be available Wednesday, Sept. 21, between 8:15 and 9 p.m. for questions and photographs from the media. You are invited to join him at the Museum of Idaho for a preview of his presentation and Expo exhibits

Einstein expert to be in Idaho Falls as part of Science Expo Sept. 22 - 24

A century after Albert Einstein's miracle year, most people still don't understand exactly what it was he did. Students and the public will have the chance to see an educator portraying Einstein and learn more about the famed physicist's theories during the upcoming INL Science and Engineering Expo.

The U.S. Department of Energy's Idaho National Laboratory is hosting the fifth annual "Science Expo" Sept. 22 - 24 as a means of increasing young people's interest in science, engineering, mathematics and technology. While geared toward students in grades seven and eight, the Expo will offer a variety of learning experiences for people of all ages.

During the three-day science and technology extravaganza, INL is working in partnership with the Museum of Idaho to bring guest appearances by Einstein and more than 40 exhibits, demonstrations and hands-on learning activities to the Museum of Idaho, 200 N. Eastern Ave.

This year, the Expo will spotlight the World Year of Physics, coinciding with the 100th anniversary of Einstein's "Miraculous Year." In 1905, Einstein wrote five remarkable papers, showing that atoms are real, presenting his special theory of relativity and putting quantum theory on its feet. The events of the 2005 World Year of Physics aim to bring the excitement of physics to the public and to inspire a new generation of scientists. Theme of the Expo is "Up & Atom."

Einstein impersonator Arden Bercovitz will make several guest appearances each day, bringing attention to the aspects of everyday life that are affected by his theories. On Saturday, Sept. 24, his presentations will be at 10 a.m., noon and 1:30 p.m.

Organizers expect the Expo to draw more than 2,500 schoolchildren during Students Days on Sept. 22 and 23. Activities on Family Day – Saturday, Sept. 24 – are free and open to the public. The Expo is open 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily.

INL is a nuclear energy and multiprogram national laboratory dedicated to supporting the U.S. Department of Energy's missions in energy, national security, science and environment. INL is operated for the DOE by Battelle Energy Alliance.

— INL—


Visit the Science and Engineering Expo Web site.

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