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DOE Contractor Joint News Release
March 15, 2010

INL: Nicole Stricker, 208-526-5955, nicole.stricker@inl.gov
ICP: Joe Campbell, 208-533-3790, joseph.campbell@icp.doe.gov
AMWTP: Sunny Katseanes, 208-557-6542, katssa@amwtp.inl.gov

DOE site contractors to receive environmental outreach award Tuesday

IDAHO FALLS — The Eastern Idaho Environmental Education Association (EIEEA) will recognize all three of the U.S. Department of Energy's Idaho contractors in a ceremony during Tuesday's Greater Idaho Falls Chamber of Commerce luncheon.

The contractors are receiving the association's Excellence in Community Environmental Education and Outreach award, which recognizes outstanding contributions and consistent support of environmental education programs, and community events that promote environmental stewardship and resource conservation in eastern Idaho.

The EIEEA is a nonprofit organization committed to conservation and preservation of natural resources and promotion of environmental education in Eastern Idaho. EIEEA developed the Excellence in Community Environmental Education and Outreach award in 2009.

This year's recipients are Battelle Energy Alliance, which operates Idaho National Laboratory; CH2M-WG Idaho, which operates the Idaho Cleanup Project; Bechtel BWXT Idaho, which operates the Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Project; the Department of Environmental Quality; and Idaho Fish and Game’s regional conservation educator Gregg Losinski.

The three companies are recipients of this year's award because of their support for community outreach programs in environmental education, sustainability and pollution prevention. Their dedication is seen in the many years of active participation in the planning and sponsorship of the annual Idaho Falls Earth Day celebration, and financial support of other community environmental programs such as the annual Water Festival (an educational one-day seminar for sixth graders), the Newspaper in Education’s "Ask A Scientist" section in the Post Register, and the Household Hazardous Waste collection days in 2007 and 2008.


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