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INL News Release
Dec. 2, 2009

Eastern Idaho: Kortny Rolston, 208-526-0962, kortny.rolston@inl.gov
Boise, Idaho: Marilyn Whitney, 208- 334-9572, marilyn.whitney@inl.gov

INL program helps Idaho students earn college credit, certificates

Idaho National Laboratory (INL) has launched a new program to help Idaho high school students earn technical certificates or college credits in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) courses. The lab's Dual Credit Scholarship Program provides Idaho school districts with money to cover the extra fees associated with college-level or technical certificate courses. Students pay $15 to $65 a credit to enroll in these classes.

"These courses open up a lot of options for students," said Anne Seifert, INL's STEM education coordinator. "By the time they graduate from high school, they can have technical certificates or a year or two of college credits under their belts. It gives them a head start on college or on a career, and we want to support them."

School districts apply for dual credit funds through Dec. 18. The application and instructions are located at www.inl.gov/education under "Education News & Accomplishments" or by clicking here.

Idaho Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna lauded INL for its ongoing effort to support Idaho students and advance STEM education.

"I applaud Idaho National Laboratory's continued commitment to raising student achievement in the fields of math and science," Luna said. "Dual credit courses are a great way for Idaho's high school students to stay engaged and prepare for their post-secondary education."

STEM education is a priority for the U.S. Department of Energy DOE, INL and Battelle Energy Alliance, a nonprofit organization that operates the lab for DOE. INL's STEM education initiative provides professional development opportunities and resources for Idaho teachers and encourages students to develop their skills in science, technology, engineering and math.

INL is one of the DOE's 10 multiprogram national laboratories. The laboratory performs work in each of the strategic goal areas of DOE: energy, national security, science and environment. INL is the nation's leading center for nuclear energy research and development.

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-INL- 09-060

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DOE Office of Nuclear Energy
DOE-Idaho Office