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INL News Release

July 11, 2008

Media Contact: Keith Arterburn, (208) 526-4845. keith.arterburn@inl.gov
                         Carol Haas; (561) 236-8529, haascomm1@aol.com

INL researchers win 2008 R&D 100 award

IDAHO FALLS -- Nine researchers at Idaho National Laboratory won an award in the latest R&D Magazine world-wide competition for the top 100 technologies during 2008.

INL researchers have developed Antibody Profiling Identification (AbP ID), a rapid, inexpensive method to identify forensic evidence based on unique individual auto-antibody patterns. AbP ID incorporates a testing system and innovative pattern recognition software to expedite identifications.  Industry experts see AbP ID as an important complementary tool to DNA processing.

“After a decade of research and laboratory work, our science soon will begin contributing to forensic investigations, medicine and potentially many other areas,” INL research team leader Vicki Thompson said. “We are honored with this award and personally rewarded with satisfaction from our contribution.”

“This is yet the latest example of how the Department of Energy and our National Laboratories are continuing to demonstrate world-class leadership in innovation, as we enhance our energy security, national security and economic competiveness," Energy Secretary Samuel W. Bodman said. "On behalf of the Department, I would like to congratulate all of our employees who have earned R&D 100 awards and in particular this year's winners.”

Identity Sciences, LLC, of Georgia, has licensed the technology and is preparing products for market.
“We believe that Antibody Profiling Identification will complement DNA testing and aid forensic experts in solving cases more quickly,” Identity Sciences Chief Executive Officer Gene Venesky said.  

INL has won 38 international R&D 100 awards since 1986, earning about a 25% selection rate.  The winners of this coveted award will be honored at a special dinner held on Navy Pier in Chicago during October 2008.  

A short summary of the technology includes:

Antibody Profiling Identification (AbP ID) and Image ID
Summary: INL researchers developed a rapid, inexpensive method to identify forensic evidence based on unique individual auto-antibody patterns. AbP ID incorporates a testing system and innovative pattern recognition software to expedite identifications.  Industry experts see AbP ID as an important complementary tool to DNA processing.

AbP ID Licensee: Identity Sciences, LLC.  For more information on the technology and associated products, visit http://www.identitysciences.com/

Research Team: Vicki Thompson, William Apel, Gordon Lassahn, Greg Lancaster, Elizabeth Taylor, Karen Delezene-Briggs, Debby Bruhn, Heather Silverman, and Joni Barnes.  The technology is licensed to Identity Sciences, LLC whose team includes J. Kenneth Luke, Gene Venesky, Kenneth Haas, Carol Haas, Jacob Haas, and Lawrence Cook. 

INL Commercialization Manager: John Snyder, 208-526-9812


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