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INL News Release
March 7, 2008

Media Contact: John Walsh: 208-526-8646

ATR National Scientific User Facility annual workshop set for July 22-24

The second Annual User Workshop for the Advanced Test Reactor National Scientific User Facility, hosted by Idaho National Laboratory, is scheduled for July 22-24 in Idaho Falls, Idaho. The mission of the ATR NSUF is to provide nuclear energy researchers access to world-class facilities, thereby facilitating the advancement of nuclear science and technology.

The workshop will include tours on July 22 of the Advanced Test Reactor and the Hot Fuel Examination Facility, both key facilities for the NSUF mission. Workshop sessions will be held all day July 23 and in the morning of July 24. The workshop will focus on current research being conducted in the ATR, future research capability needs, and organization of collaborative research projects.

Electronic registration will be through the ATR NSUF Web site starting in mid-April.

The registration deadline for U.S. citizens is June 30. The registration deadline for non-U.S. citizens is May 19.

Some 55 nuclear professionals from universities, industry and laboratories attended the first workshop in 2007.


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Department of energy

DOE Office of Nuclear Energy
DOE-Idaho Office