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Air University header: We produce the future

Community College of the Air Force

Maxwell-Gunter Air Force Base Montgomery, Alabama
Air University

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Community College of the Air Force

Combat Wounded, Ill and Injured Airmen (Wounded Warriors)

In compliance with a 2012 NDAA legislative change, combat wounded, ill, and injured Airmen who commenced but did not complete a CCAF degree program may continue participation in their degree program after separation or retirement. To qualify, the member must have been awarded a 9W-series Reporting Identifier (RI) for combat-related injuries or illnesses as reflected in the Military Personnel Data System. Degree program participation is limited to the program of enrollment at the time of separation or retirement. These members will have 10 years from their separation or retirement date or from 30 December 2011 if they separated or retired between 12 September 2001 and 30 December 2011 to complete degree requirements. The Air Force Wounded Warrior program is managed by the Air Force Wounded Warrior Program Office at Randolph AFB, Texas.  2012

CCAF is celebrating its 40th anniversary

CCAF is celebrating its 40th anniversary of providing outstanding educational opportunities to our enlisted force. Visit our Facebook page to learn how you can get involved in this historic year.

LtCol Jonathan HamillWelcome to the Community College of the Air Force Web site!  Our college is a federally-chartered degree-granting institution that serves the United States Air Force’s enlisted total force.  We partner with over 90 affiliated Air Force schools, 82 Education Service Offices located worldwide, and more than 1,500 civilian academic institutions to serve more than 320,000 active, guard, and reserve enlisted personnel, making CCAF the world’s largest community college system.

We strive to meet the demands of the Air Force’s increasingly expeditionary environment and at the same time help airmen achieve their educational goals by capitalizing on job-related training and education as part of flexible degree completion programs.

On the following pages you’ll find information about our degree programs, our certification and licensure programs, and our regional accreditation.  So whether you’re a prospective or current student, an education counselor, a recruiter, or a commander, we’ve designed this website to provide valuable information about higher education opportunities with CCAF.

Thank you,

Community College of the Air Force



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100 South Turner Blvd
Maxwell AFB, Gunter Annexw9ave4=Apr$p=acR ALĀ 36114-3011