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Electrochemical Corrosion Testing Stations

Electrochemical instrumentation can be used to perform ASTM standard testing to determine the potential fate of materials in a short amount of time. These methods are excellent for material selection in a particular environment. Using the electronic signals a more detailed knowledge of the material degradation processes can be obtained.
Contact: Dr. Tedd Lister (Tedd.Lister@inl.gov)


Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM)

Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM) is an electrochemical imaging technique that permits spatial measurement of processes occurring at immersed surfaces such as a corroding metal. The instrument allows the user to determine location, intensity and frequency of activity at the surface of interest.  The instrument can be operated in either amperometric or potentiometric modes.
Contact: Dr. Tedd Lister (Tedd.Lister@inl.gov)


Microelectrode Array Microscope (MEAM)

This instrument was devised at the INL to perform SECM measurements using an array of microelectrodes instead of the normal single probe. The MEAM uses an array of 100 independent microelectrodes arranged in a 10 x 10 array. Each array element can be measured many times per second, providing excellent temporal resolution for measurement of localized corrosion processes. For more details, click on the link.
Contact: Dr.Tedd Lister (Tedd.Lister@inl.gov


Wyko Optical Surface Profiler 

This instrument performs routine 3-dimensional imaging of surfaces. The instrument is similar to a light optical microscope but utilizes interference fringes to capture depth information. The instrument is very sensitive sub-nanometer changes in the Z-axis.
Contact: Dr.Tedd Lister (Tedd.Lister@inl.gov)


Scanning Probe Microscopes (SPM)

These instruments are well outfitted to perform all standard scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques.  Experiments can be set up in ambient air, solution, and inert atmospheres. We possess both electrochemical and electrical conductivity capabilities for this instrument.  The Molecular Imaging SPM in AFM mode can measure a variety of surface properties such as adhesion and stiffness, lateral force, electrical conductivity, current-sensing, etc. We can operate the molecular imaging instrument in ambient air, in inert atmospheres, in controlled vapors and in solution.
Contact: Ms. Tammy Trowbridge (Tammy.Trowbridge@inl.gov) or Dr. Tedd Lister (Tedd.Lister@inl.gov)


PRP Electrochemical Noise (ECN) System 

ECN is a potentially valuable technique for field implementation. The keys to ECN are that it is relatively inexpensive, fairly robust, and real time. The downside is that the signals, though simple to acquire, are fairly complex to analyze. At the INL, our goal is to take a commercial ECN instrument and software and apply it to systems of interest to the INL, as well as the entire DOE complex.
Contact: Mr. Ron Mizia (Ronald.Mizia@inl.gov) or Dr. Tedd Lister (Tedd.Lister@inl.gov)

Page Contact Information:

Department of energy

DOE Office of Nuclear Energy
DOE-Idaho Office