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Program Drivers

The Office of Spent Fuel Management was created to plan and coordinate the management of Department of Energy-owned spent nuclear fuel. It was established as a result of a 1992 decision to stop spent nuclear fuel reprocessing and was chartered to safely and efficiently manage Department of Energy-owned spent nuclear fuel and prepare it for disposal. The Spent Nuclear Fuel Program is based upon numerous program drivers and must be managed in accordance with them. These drivers have origins in laws, regulations, policies, and agreements at the federal, state, and local levels. The drivers serve two purposes. They establish the structure in which the program must work to accomplish its goals, and they dictate what the program must do. The major program drivers are listed below.

In general, the requirements have their origins in:

  • Federal Laws
  • Presidential Orders
  • Nuclear Regulatory Commission regulations and guidance
  • Environmental Protection Agency regulations
  • Department of Transportation requirements
  • DOE Orders, policies, and guidance
  • Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board recommendations
  • Office of Environmental Management requirements
  • State and Local regulations and agreements

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Department of energy

DOE Office of Nuclear Energy
DOE-Idaho Office