Robotics and Intelligence Systems >> Autonomous Behaviors >> Behavior Portability and Reconfigurability

Autonomous Behaviors

Behavior Portability & Reconfigurability

The intelligence which INL has developed adapts automatically to a robot’s sensors and geometry through a process of self-discovery. The software is not only portable to different robots, but can also exploit a wide variety of sensor suites. In fact, the INL robotic system has been tested with a number of application-specific sensors including: landmine detection sensors for countermine behaviors; gamma locating device for characterizing radiation levels; ground penetrating radar for identifying underground utilities; and a thermal imaging sensor for identifying everything from chemical spills to human heat signatures.

Recently, the robot intelligent behaviors demonstrated in the search and rescue domain have been put into operation on a variety of unmanned systems varying in size from 35 to 350 pounds. In fact, we have implemented our control system with unmanned systems owned and operated by the Navy, Army and the Remote Sensing Laboratory - a national laboratory in Nevada focused on counter-terrorism.

INL ’s control architecture has been selected as a focal point for the Joint Robotics Program (JRP) Technnology Transfer Program - an effort to harvest and integrate the best innovations from the robotics community, moving robotics technology towards a single, coherent interface and control architecture for use throughout the military. The program is being led by the Space and Naval Warfare Command (SPAWAR) and the INL . Currently it also includes the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Naval Research Laboratory, Stanford Research Institute, Michigan State University, and Carnegie Mellon University.

Pool of robots used at INEEL for technology transfer. Pool of robots used at INL for technology transfer.

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