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Conservation Planning | NRCS NEDC


This course is designed to provide conservation planning training for working with individual clients or with groups that basically function as an individual. The course emphasizes the conservation planning process; developing quality, complete plans on the entire unit; consideration of ecological, economic, and social concerns; on-site assistance; the effects and impacts of planned actions on-site and off-site; and partnership involvement. The course is based on current conservation planning policy, the procedures and guidelines in the National Planning Procedures Handbook (NPPH) and the supporting technology and tools to carry out the planning process and the locally led process.

The course is organized into three parts:

Part 1 provides background and framework for conservation planning. 

Part 2 is the hands-on field application of the planning process. It includes classroom and field exercises.

Part 3 is the individual application of the conservation planning process utilizing the information learned in Parts 1 and 2. Part 3 is to be completed at the participant's work location with the assistance of a coach and the participant's supervisor.

A more detailed overview of this training is available below.

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Adobe Acrobat DocumentOverview of Conservation Planning Course


The objective of the course is to prepare the participant to independently apply the NRCS planning process, and to utilize supporting technology to assist clients in making decisions resulting in conservation plans that protect, conserve, and enhance the resources and meet the client's needs.


Having the equivalent of one year or more experience in conservation planning with a proficiency level of 3. Can Perform with Supervision; and having a good knowledge of conservation planning policy, the NPPH, the Field Office Technical Guide and data collection techniques.



Target Audience

NRCS employees, conservation partnership employees, and Technical Service Providers who provide conservation planning assistance to clients

NEDC Contact

NEDC Webmaster.

Technical Contact

David McKay

Enrollment for Conservation Planning, Part 1

Enrollment instructions are provided below.  Be sure to select the appropriate link to ensure successful enrollment. 

USDA Employees

Proceed to the Aglearn to login using your USDA eAuthentication ID and password.  This is the same as your WebTCAS ID and password.
Select Catalog, Select Natural Resources Conservation Service under Subject Area Menu, Choose the course name by select the button Launch content or Add to Learning Plan to register and complete the course.

District Employees with Aglearn account

Proceed to the Aglearn to login using your USDA eAuthentication ID and password. This is the same logon ID and password used for the TechReg TSP application or profile.
Select Catalog, Select Natural Resources Conservation Service under Subject Area Menu, Choose the course name by select the button Launch content or Add to Learning Plan to register and complete the course.

For further assistance contact the USDA state office in your state for assistance in obtaining an eAuthentication ID and password and AgLearn account.

Technical Service Providers

Proceed to the Aglearn to login using your USDA eAuthentication ID and password. This is the same logon ID and password used for the TechReg TSP application or profile.
Select Catalog, Select Natural Resources Conservation Service under Subject Area Menu, Choose the course name by select the button Launch content or Add to Learning Plan to register and complete the course.

If you are anticipating becoming a Technical Service Provider please review the entire process at TechReg.  

Other USDA Customers

For those not in the above categories contact the USDA state office in your state for assistance in obtaining an eAuthentication ID and password and AgLearn account.
To obtain this contact information for your state you can go to the Aglearn website click on contact us. Scroll down to NRCS and click on the link that says state contacts.

Enrollment for Conservation Planning, Part 2 and 3

Parts 2 and 3 are conducted by individual states.  Contact you supervisor about availability.