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Manages health services activities, including plans and operations, managed care, human resource management, logistics management, patient administration, budgetary and fiscal management, medical manpower, medical facility management, biometrics, medical recruiting, and aeromedical evacuation. Directs the hospital accreditation program and management improvement studies.



Duties And Responsibilities

Duties And Responsibilities
Duties And Responsibilities
Formulates, interprets, and implements policy. Plans and organizes activities associated with peacetime and wartime health services administration, such as manpower, medical logistics, medical food service, hospitalization and aeromedical evacuation of patients, medical facilities repair, maintenance, construction, modification, and housekeeping, equipment maintenance and repair, information systems, clinical engineering, inpatient and outpatient records, and morale and welfare services for patients and medical personnel. Coordinates health services programs. Coordinates with comptroller, civil engineering, civilian and federal agencies, and other Air Force functions and activities to execute health services programs. Advises the medical professional staff and other staff health services officers on administrative matters pertaining to health services programs. Maintains liaison with civilian, military, and other federal activities to keep current in areas of interest to health services administration. Monitors and directs health services programs. Interprets and directs the implementation of policies governing health services programs. Directs the management of health services functions such as medical logistics, fiscal management, managed care, human resource management, patient administration, aeromedical evacuation, medical facility construction, modification, and design, and medical research administration. Develops financial plans and budget estimates for Air Force health services programs. Directs the preparation of biometric reports, directives, correspondence, and memoranda pertaining to health services administration. Controls utilization of health services program funds in collaboration with the medical commander and comptroller. Prepares and exercises emergency, disaster, and defense plans, and monitors readiness training. Integrates cost management, quality and access to care issues into health services programs.


Specialty Qualifications

Specialty Qualifications
Specialty Qualifications
Knowledge. Knowledge is mandatory of: Air Force health services management; hospital administration and practice; contractual and accounting fundamentals; quality management; human resource management; and biometrics.

Education. For entry into this specialty, one of the following is mandatory: A graduate degree in health care administration, hospital administration, public administration, business administration, business management, information systems management, finance, accounting, statistics, marketing, economics, or other business-related equivalent. An undergraduate academic major in accounting, business administration, business management, computer science, information systems, economics, finance, health care administration, marketing, public administration, clinical or health systems engineering, operations research, or other business-related equivalent.