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Thread: Need Help!!

  1. #1

    Default Need Help!!

    Hi my name is antonio and I always wanted to join but weight is holding me back. I had a son not so long ago it put everthing on hold for me but now im ready to get the ball rolling. I talk to a local recruiter but he never contacted me back.
    I would love for a recruiter to help me out and not give up on me also to help me push myself to get in. I think that is what i need.

    Im 22yrs old 5'9 225 my body fat % is 33 also active.

    Would love for a recruiter to contact me. I live in lebanon,PA willing to drive.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: Need Help!!

    I suggest you get into shape first and be within compliance before engaging a recruiter. When I seek a job and desire to be a computer programmer but do not meet the requirements, do I ask the employer to help me get there?

    I responded as such because I read the letter below yesterday and I am kind of frustrated seeing sub-par (not saying that you are) people joining the Army and being a burden later on.


    I am a platoon sergeant with 18 years in the Army and Air Force. It makes me mad and disappointed to see what the Army is pushing out of Advanced Individual Training and basic training. I am my company’s Army Weight Control Program non-commissioned officer in charge. We recently had eight new soldiers arrive from Fort Huachuca, Ariz. Five of them weight/taped over and were not in accordance with AR 600-9. Two of these soldiers taped at 6 percent over. Additionally, five of them failed the Army Physical Fitness Test.

    I don’t understand how they were allowed to graduate or [make a permanent change of station] from AIT overweight and not able to pass their APFT. There is a line in everyone’s PCS orders, “You are responsible for reporting to your next duty station/school in satisfactory physical condition; able to pass the APFT and meet height/weight standards IAW AR 600-9.” I understand during leave that a soldier may slack off on PT or overindulge in food. But there is no way a soldier can graduate AIT, be within standards, then show up to a new unit 6 percent over. When I went to AIT, if you didn’t pass the last APFT, you didn’t graduate.

    During a recent temporary duty to Fort Huachuca, our class was able to grade an AIT class’ APFT. This was probably one of the most embarrassing events I’ve ever seen. Witnessing a soldier struggling to do 20 pushups, hitting muscle failure at 25. Standing at the finish line for the 2-mile run at 18 minutes wondering if the soldiers got lost, finding out most of them stopped during the downhill run. I just don’t get it. I don’t know if it’s military occupational specialty/specific, or it’s Fort Huachuca, or if it’s the “New Army.” But I can tell you this: We are suffering at the platoon level.

    Soldiers out of AIT are coming to the platoons with inadequate MOS knowledge, not able to pass an APFT, out of AR 600-9 tolerance, and with zero discipline. Worst of all, some soldiers come to us on permanent/temporary profile. How in the world is a soldier allowed to PCS with a temporary profile? Why is a soldier in AIT allowed to be in the Army with a permanent profile? These soldiers don’t know anything about Army customs and courtesies, basic discipline or even basic soldiering. It’s all about “what am I entitled to?” Or “what’s the Army going to give me today?” These soldiers are shocked when their leave/passes get denied because they failed an APFT.

    We have also received some great soldiers. However, the norm is receiving less-than-quality soldiers from AIT. Something needs to be done.

    After PCSing to my first duty station in 1993, my platoon sergeant received a phone call from my AIT instructor, checking to see how I was performing. He was getting a “report card” from my platoon sergeant to evaluate the product that came out of AIT. Imagine that: An AIT instructor calling units to check on soldiers and see how they are performing.

    We as platoon sergeants need to make it a point to call the schoolhouses and let them know what’s going on. Let them know that sending a soldier who can’t pass an APFT is unacceptable. Let them know that these soldiers don’t have a clue about AR 670-1, Uniform Wear and Appearance.

    Staff Sgt. Vincent Cipolla

    Fort Stewart, Ga.
    Last edited by fmcityslicker; September 24th, 2012 at 07:19 AM.
    Chief Warrant Officer, US Army
    Former Marine & Guardsman

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Phoenix, Az

    Default Re: Need Help!!

    Im not surprised by that letter. I have to say that in my RSP Drill recently we have had a ton of soldiers who just came back from BCT. Granted I have not had the BCT experience yet, however I did not expect to see so many failures and people struggling right out of the gate. We had several green phasers throwing up on their run, not passing their weight, or asking if they will still have to test at the 2-2-2 level!

    As for the OP, for sure get yourself closer to being in shape first.
    Last edited by Solrider; September 24th, 2012 at 02:24 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Default Re: Need Help!!

    I was in the same boat as you bro, but you have to be patient. I didnt talk to a recruiter until I had already lost around 45-50lbs. Granted, I weighed more than you do now. Wait until your BF is at least under 26%. Then you can go talk to a recruiter, even though he/she will tell you to lose more. Losing the weight will let them know you are motivated and serious. Good luck.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Need Help!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cotto15 View Post
    Hi my name is antonio and I always wanted to join but weight is holding me back. I had a son not so long ago it put everthing on hold for me but now im ready to get the ball rolling. I talk to a local recruiter but he never contacted me back.
    I would love for a recruiter to help me out and not give up on me also to help me push myself to get in. I think that is what i need.

    Im 22yrs old 5'9 225 my body fat % is 33 also active.

    Would love for a recruiter to contact me. I live in lebanon,PA willing to drive.

    I agree with the others. It's best to get yourself into shape before you try to start the enlistment process. One thing I did want to point out is that, according to the Fitness Calculator, you are only 1% over on your allowable body fat percentage. This corresponds with your statement that you're active and likely have a lot of muscle mass. If you can drop that 1%, you're right where you need to be to pass the tape. I think that would be an easier task than losing nearly 40 lbs. Just know that you'll have to watch your weight during your career since you are more athletically built.

    Good luck!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Need Help!!

    Quote Originally Posted by RyCass View Post
    I agree with the others. It's best to get yourself into shape before you try to start the enlistment process. One thing I did want to point out is that, according to the Fitness Calculator, you are only 1% over on your allowable body fat percentage. This corresponds with your statement that you're active and likely have a lot of muscle mass. If you can drop that 1%, you're right where you need to be to pass the tape. I think that would be an easier task than losing nearly 40 lbs. Just know that you'll have to watch your weight during your career since you are more athletically built.

    Good luck!
    Since the OPs name is Antonio I am assuming it is a male so he is actually 7% over - according to what he says his % is since we can't accurately calculate it without his measurements.

    Min. and Max. Weight Requirements
    128 lbs.-186 lbs.

    Allowable Body Fat
    26 %
    Last edited by robinpugs06; September 24th, 2012 at 04:43 PM.
    "There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, learning from failure."
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  7. #7
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    Default Re: Need Help!!

    Quote Originally Posted by robinpugs06 View Post
    Since the OPs name is Antonio I am assuming it is a male so he is actually 7% over - according to what he says his % is since we can't accurately calculate it without his measurements.

    Min. and Max. Weight Requirements
    128 lbs.-186 lbs.

    Allowable Body Fat
    26 %
    Ha! Good point. I read he had recently had a son and thought "female". My apologies, OP. Robin is correct. You'll need to meet the 26% body fat to be eligible or get to 186 lbs.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Need Help!!

    Quote Originally Posted by RyCass View Post
    Ha! Good point. I read he had recently had a son and thought "female". My apologies, OP. Robin is correct. You'll need to meet the 26% body fat to be eligible or get to 186 lbs.
    I though the EXACT same thing until I went back and saw the name :-)
    "There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, learning from failure."
    - Colin Powell

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Need Help!!

    Quote Originally Posted by robinpugs06 View Post
    I though the EXACT same thing until I went back and saw the name :-)
    Well, that DOES make me feel better!

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