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You are here: Hydrographic features > Streams
Natural freshwater surface streams of considerable volume and a permanent or seasonal flow, moving in a definite channel toward a sea, lake, or another river; any large streams, or ones larger than brooks or creeks, such as the trunk stream and larger branches of a drainage system. [Glossary of Geology, 4th ed.]
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Bends (river) (1 items)
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River corridor habitat dynamics, Lower Missouri River [More info]
Detailed description of The Lower Missouri River Corridor Habitat Dynamics Project studying river habitat in a heavily engineered river.
River inventory and monitoring [More info]
Links to science programs on upper Midwest river inventory and monitoring with links to databases on macroinvertebrates, fisheries, vegetation, water quality, bathymetry, floodplain forest, wildlife, sediment, contaminants and nutrients.
PDF A dryland river transformed--the Little Colorado, 1936-2010 [More info]
We mapped substantial migration of the river channel between the City of Winslow and the Navajo Nation community of Leupp; in a human lifetime the river has moved more than a mile across its valley floor.
A promising tool for subsurface permafrost mapping-An application of airborne geophysics from the Yukon River Basin, Alaska [More info]
Airborne electromagnetic surveying is used to estimate the character of the permafrost by measuring and monitoring the electrical resistivity, which is affected by lithology, temperature, water, and ice.
An Overview of Historical Channel Adjustment and Selected Hydraulic Values in the Lower Sabine and Lower Brazos River Basins, Texas and Louisiana [More info]
How has the channel shape and path changed in response to reservoirs and other human disturbances affecting the streamflow?
Atchafalaya & Mississippi River Deltas study: a tale of two deltas [More info]
Project of the Gulf of Mexico Integrated Science program that evaluates the transport and sedimentation of contaminates through the Mississippi River and Atchafalaya River delta to the near-shore Gulf of Mexico. Includes aerial photographs.
Canoeing North Dakota rivers [More info]
Links to streamflow, stage, pictures, maps, river descriptions, and general information for canoeing on North Dakota's rivers. Files are in PDF format.
Data visualization tools used in studies of the upper Mississippi River and nearby areas [More info]
Interactive maps and databases showing geospatial, biologic, and ecological aspects of the upper Mississippi River. Includes water quality, fish species, and vegetation distribution as well as geographic reference information.
Elwha River dam removal -- Rebirth of a river [More info]
Overview of the USGS role in the largest dam removal project in U.S. history.
Impounded river systems [More info]
Article from Status and Trends of the Nation's Biological Resources on the serious impacts to river systems due to damming and flow regulation, and rehabilitation, monitoring, and research on such rivers.
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