4 studies found for:    Open Studies | "Diet, Reducing"
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1 Recruiting Evaluation of Anti-mullerian Hormone(AMH) Levels as a Predictive Factor of Response to Weight Loss Treatment in Obese Infertile Women With Poly Cystic Ovary(PCOS)
Condition: Infertility
Intervention: Other: Weight loss diet
2 Unknown  Effects of Whole Grain on Weight Maintenance
Conditions: Abdominal Fat;   Body Weight
Interventions: Other: Diet rich in whole grain;   Other: Refined grain
3 Recruiting Effects of Fat and Carbohydrates in Obese Men
Conditions: Obesity;   Steatosis
Interventions: Dietary Supplement: High fat low carbohydrate diet;   Dietary Supplement: Low fat high carbohydrate diet
4 Recruiting Diet and Body Composition
Condition: Obesity
Interventions: Other: low-fat diet;   Other: low-carb diet

Indicates status has not been verified in more than two years