U.S. Department of State

Congo, Democratic Republic of the

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Bureau of African Affairs
Fact Sheet
December 3, 2012

More information about the Democratic Republic of the Congo is available on the Democratic Republic of the Congo Page and from other Department of State publications and other sources listed at the end of this fact sheet.


The United States established diplomatic relations with the Democratic Republic of the Congo (D.R.C.) in 1960, following its independence from Belgium. Post-independence, the country saw a mix of unrest and rebellion, dictatorships, armed conflict with neighboring countries, and control of parts of the D.R.C.'s territory by neighboring countries. Following the 2001 assassination of the country's leader, a United Nations peacekeeping mission deployed throughout the country, and a transitional government took office in 2003. The D.R.C. held multiparty elections in 2006 and 2011.

Regional stability and security is dependent on durable peace in the D.R.C., due to the country's size and its location bordering nine nations. The D.R.C. faces challenges that include the destabilizing presence of armed groups in eastern D.R.C., rampant corruption, inadequate infrastructure and human resources, and a limited capacity to raise and manage revenues.

U.S. relations with the D.R.C. are strong. The United States played a role in the D.R.C. peace process and has supported internal reconciliation and democratization in the country. U.S. foreign policy in the D.R.C. is focused on developing a nation that is stable and democratic, at peace with its neighbors, extends state authority across its territory, and provides for the basic needs of its citizens. The United States is the largest donor to the United Nations stabilization mission in the D.R.C.

U.S. Assistance to the Democratic Republic of the Congo

U.S. foreign assistance to the D.R.C. aims to support the security conditions and governance structures necessary for improvement of Congolese social and economic sectors and to permit extension of state authority across the country. U.S. assistance in the D.R.C. seeks to bolster peace and stability, particularly in eastern D.R.C.; protect civilians; strengthen governance institutions and the rule of law; increase food security, agricultural productivity, and access to credit; and support economic recovery, growth, and the provision of basic social services, including access to quality health care and education.

Bilateral Economic Relations

U.S. exports to the D.R.C. include pharmaceutical products, poultry, machinery, and wheat. The top U.S. import from the D.R.C. is oil, accounting for more than 90% of all U.S. imports. The two countries have signed a bilateral investment treaty. The United States also has signed a trade and investment framework agreement with the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, of which the D.R.C. is a member.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo's Membership in International Organizations

The D.R.C. and the United States belong to a number of the same international organizations, including the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and World Trade Organization.

Bilateral Representation

The U.S. Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of the Congo is James F. Entwistle; other principal embassy officials are listed in the Department's Key Officers List.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo maintains an embassy in the United States at 1726 M Street, NW, Suite 601, Washington, DC, 20036; tel. (202) 234-7690.

More information about the Democratic Republic of the Congo is available from the Department of State and other sources, some of which are listed here:

Department of State Democratic Republic of the Congo Page
Department of State Key Officers List
CIA World Factbook Democratic Republic of the Congo Page
U.S. Embassy: Democratic Republic of the Congo
USAID Democratic Republic of the Congo Page
History of U.S. Relations With the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Human Rights Reports
International Religious Freedom Reports
Trafficking in Persons Reports
Narcotics Control Reports
Investment Climate Statements
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative Countries Page
U.S. Census Bureau Foreign Trade Statistics (see "Congo (Kinshasa)")
Export.gov International Offices Page (see "Congo - Kinshasa")
Office of Foreign Assets Control Sanctions Page
Library of Congress Country Studies (see "Zaire (Former)")
Travel and Business Information

[This is a mobile copy of Congo, Democratic Republic of the]