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Central Intelligence Agency


The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is an independent US Government agency responsible for providing national security intelligence to senior US policymakers.
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Bay of Pigs

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The cornerstone of this collection is a two-volume, 400-plus page document consisting of (Volume I) the CIA Inspector General's (IG) Report on the CIA's ill-fated April 1961 attempt to implement national policy by overthrowing the Fidel Castro regime in Cuba by means of a covert paramilitary operation, otherwise known as the Bay of Pigs, and (Volume II), a commentary on the IG report written by the Directorate of Plans (DP), now known as the Directorate of Operations (DO). These two volumes are a rare side-by-side compilation of high-level government self-evaluation of its own performance in an historic and controversial event. The remainder of the collection is comprised of various documents, to include finished intelligence, National Security Council (NSC) briefings and Spanish-language documents. The collection now stands at 769 documents, although more may be added in the future as additional documents are subjected to the ongoing review process.

Bay of Pigs Release

Updated: August 2, 2011

The CIA history of the Bay of Pigs operation in 1961, originally classified top secret, based on dozens of interviews with key operatives and officials and hundreds of CIA documents. The four volumes include information never before released and comprise (I) Air Operations, March 1960-1961; (II) Participation in the Conduct of Foreign Policy; (III) Evolution of CIA’s Anti-Castro Policies, 1959-January 1961; and (IV) The Taylor Committee Investigation of the Bay of Pigs.

Volume I - Air Operations, March 1960-April 1961

Volume II - Participation in the Conduct of Foreign Policy 92

Volume III - Evolution of CIA's Anti-Castro Policies, 1951-January 1961

Volume IV - The Taylor Committee Investigation of the Bay of Pigs