Rules Resources

Rules Resource for Transpo Conference Report/ 2013 DoD & Financial Services Approps

June 28, 2012


Bill Summaries

H.R. 6020: The bill includes a total of $21.15 billion in funding for these agencies, which is $376 million below last year’s level and $2 billion below the President’s request. The bill is $3 billion, or nearly 13%, below fiscal year 2010.

H.R. 5856: In total, the legislation provides $519.2 billion in non-war funding, an increase of $1.1 billion over the fiscal year 2012 level and $3.1 billion above the President’s request. The bill also contains $88.5 billion for Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) for Defense activities related to the Global War on Terror.

Conference Report: This House-Senate agreement focuses on ensuring taxpayer dollars are spent on high-priority infrastructure projects that support economic activity.

Type of Rule

The rule provides separate open rules (allowing any member to offer any germane amendment) for floor consideration of both appropriations measures. The rule also provides a conference report rule (waiving points of order) for consideration of the conference report to accompany H.R. 4348. Reported by a vote of 7 yeas to 1 nay.

Other Elements of the Rule

  • Debate time:

o H.R. 5856 & H.R. 6020: Provides each measure one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations.

o Debate on the conference report is divided pursuant to clause 8(d) of rule XXII.

  • Authorizes the Chair to give priority in recognition to Members who have pre-printed their amendments in the Congressional Record.
  • The rule provides suspension authority and same-day authority on June 29, 2012 for measures addressing expiring provisions of law and a concurrent resolution correcting the enrollment of H.R. 4348.
  • Floor Managers: Webster/Hastings

Floor Action Expected

The rule and the conference report are expected to be on the floor tomorrow (6/29/12). The appropriations measures will be on the floor after the July 4th district work period.