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Drug Shortages Resource Center

Welcome to PhRMA’s Drug Shortages Resource Center, which provides information for patients who may be affected by a prescription drug shortage.

Patient access to medicines is of paramount importance to the biopharmaceutical research industry. The drug shortages issue demands attention and collaboration from everyone who provides life-saving medicines, including our industry of brand-name drug companies, as well as generic drug manufacturers. This Resource Center includes information about the shortage issue, steps to take if you are affected by a shortage, and additional resources that may help guide you if you’re concerned about this issue.

Shortages affect less than 1 percent of all drugs on the market, and the large majority of shortages involve generic medicines. However, any shortage of medicines can deeply impact patients. America’s innovative biopharmaceutical companies have long worked to prevent drug shortages in advance, and will continue to work closely with the FDA to prevent manufacturing disruptions. 

The factors that contribute to drug shortages are complex and multidimensional. They can occur for a variety of reasons found throughout the supply chain, including shifts in clinical practices; wholesaler and pharmacy inventory practices; raw material shortages; changes in hospital and pharmacy contractual relationships with suppliers and wholesalers; adherence to distribution protocols mandated by the FDA; individual company decisions to discontinue specific medicines; natural disasters; and manufacturing challenges. 

PhRMA member companies are deeply concerned about patients’ well-being and are committed to maintaining good manufacturing practices, as well as working closely and collaboratively with the FDA, supply chain partners and healthcare providers and their patients when unexpected – and rare – shortages of brand-name medicines occur.
