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The login side of the Military OneSource website will be unavailable from 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. EDT on Saturday, September 29, 2012, for software updates. We apologize in advance for the inconvenience.

Girl doing homework

Service Member Education

Service members can use these great tools and resources to help them achieve their education goals.

Couple holding hands

Special Needs Education

Use these resources to help your special needs child have a successful school year.

Upcoming podcasts

Upcoming Podcasts

Learn how to save and pay for your children's education and tips for college health and safety with these upcoming podcasts

flu shots

Pandemic Influenza Preparedness

A pandemic is a global disease outbreak such as the avian and swine flu. Pandemics are determined by how the disease spreads, not how many deaths it causes. With advances in vaccines and drug therapies huge strides have been made in controlling and further eliminating pandemics. Although flu pandemics, unlike the seasonal flu, are rare, they can be dangerous and even deadly. Military OneSource provides information to prepare and respond when an outbreak occurs: washing your hands, limiting contact with others during an outbreak, and covering your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, among others. Even if the likelihood of an influenza pandemic is low, be prepared--you and your family are worth it! For more information on pandemic influenza check out the Military OneSource's Crisis & Disasters pages. Further information can be sought from FLU.GOV.