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Colombia: A New Ethanol Producer on the Rise?

by Jose Toasa

Outlook No. (WRS-0901) 15 pp, January 2009

Colombia's sugarcane-based ethanol industry, after operating for only 3 years, is the second most developed in the Western Hemisphere. Most Colombian ethanol plants are energy self-sufficient and even generate surplus power that is sold to the national electric grid. Colombia's sugarcane-based ethanol production is increasing: proposed expansion projects have the potential to more than triple daily production from 277,000 gallons in 2007 to almost 1 million gallons in 2010. Most of the expansion is intended for exports, principally to the United States. However, it is unlikely that Colombia could export ethanol anytime soon because domestic production is insufficient to meet nationwide requirements that gasoline contain a 10-percent ethanol blend.

Keywords: sugar, sugarcane, ethanol, Colombia

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Last updated: Monday, May 28, 2012

For more information contact: Jose Toasa