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Sugar and Sweeteners OutLook: April 2010

by Maurice Landes

Outlook No. (SSSM-260-01) 20 pp, April 2010

This report describes and analyses the current situation and outlook for supply, demand, and trade of sugar by India, the world’s second largest sugar producer. A decline in sugar production has shifted India from net exporter to net importer during 2009/10, contributing to a runup in global sugar prices. A key finding is that the production decline is primarily due to a policy-induced cycle that is becoming increasingly pronounced. While output is poised to rebound in 2010/11, moderating future cyclical swings in output and trade may hinge on the success of a dialogue on policy reform between the government and the sugar industry.

Keywords: India, sugarcane, sugar, policy, supply, demand, trade, production cycles

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Last updated: Thursday, July 05, 2012

For more information contact: Maurice Landes