Installation Chain of Command

Exchange is the primary source for providing retail merchandise and services on an installation.

The chain of command for the installation is:

  1. Commander, Exchange
  2. Chief Operating Officer
  3. Region Senior Vice President
  4. Area Manager
  5. General Manager

In CONUS, General Managers report to Area Managers, who are in charge of four to six installations.

The General Manager will assist you in the biennial review of non-Exchange resale activities (as outlined in AR 215-8 / AFI 34-211(I)) to protect Exchange primacy and all MWR / Services dollars. The General Manager is also available to provide expanded services to support to MWR / Services programs.

The Area Manager, in turn, works for one of the three CONUS Region Senior Vice Presidents.

OVERSEAS, , the General Managers report to the Overseas Area Managers, who report to the Overseas Region Senior Vice President.

The Region Senior Vice Presidents report to the Chief Operating Officer and the Exchange Commander.

The General Manager is responsible for all Exchange activities on the installation.

As such, the General Manager supports providing the troops with merchandise and services vital to maintaining their quality of life in peacetime, contingency, and wartime environments. The General Manager is, therefore, a key member of the commander’s staff and should be included in all appropriate staff meetings, newcomer’s orientations, advisory councils, and special activities. The types of activities and services that Exchange is authorized to provide are listed in AR 215-8 / AFI 34-211(I).

Senior Enlisted Advisor

The Commander also has the assistance of a Chief Master Sergeant who is available to assist in all enlisted matters. Phone number is as follows: (214) 312-3051, DSN 312-976-3051.

Operating Hours / Visitor Policy

The General Manager will coordinate with the Installation Commander on any proposed change to operating hours and provide documented evidence for the change prior to implementation. The Installation Commander has a direct role in several local exchange operation procedures.

In accordance with AR 215-8 / AFI 34-211(I), visitors may enter exchanges under certain conditions. Implementation authority belongs to the General Manager. The Installation Commander may authorize customers to sign in visitors to the exchange, with the understanding that purchases may not be made by the visitor. In foreign countries, entry is controlled as directed by the major command concerned. In CONUS, visitor entry is at the discretion of the installation commander.

In Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and U.S. possessions, a return-trip airline ticket, with proper identification, may be used as an alternative to a letter of authorization. On special occasions, such as completion of military training or school graduation, installation commanders may authorize, in writing, the entry of all visitors of all authorized patrons. In this instance, individual letters of authorization are not required, and visitors may not purchase merchandise or services except from food activities.