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About the Legal Division

OCC Chief Counsel's Office

The Chief Counsel's Office (CCO) manages seven legal practice areas from the Washington headquarters office. There are also general practice offices in each of the four district locations.



Chief Counsel's Office202-874-5200
Julie L. WilliamsFirst Senior Deputy Comptroller and Chief Counsel
Daniel P. StipanoDeputy Chief Counsel
Karen SolomonDeputy Chief Counsel

The Chief Counsel's Office (CCO) centrally manages the Law Department. OCC attorneys:

  • Develop innovative, precedential opinions on contemporary banking issues such as preemption, derivatives, new bank products, expanding markets, interstate banking, privacy, fair lending, community reinvestment, and more
  • Enforce compliance with banking requirements by national banks and federal savings associations through administrative actions
  • Ensure protection and fair treatment of bank customers through application of consumer laws and regulations
  • Develop banking regulations and legislation to modernize banking law
  • Investigate federal securities law violations and enforce applicable securities laws
  • Handle international banking issues and negotiate international agreements
  • Represent the Comptroller in litigation involving any of OCC's operations
Administrative & Internal Law (AIL)202-874-4460
David KaneDirector
Patricia GradyAssistant Director

The Administrative and Internal Law Division (AIL) is responsible for providing legal advice relating to the OCC's operation as a federal agency on matters such as:

  • Personnel
  • Ethics
  • Assessments
  • Delegations
  • Financial management
  • Federal information law (e.g., FOIA)
Bank Activities & Structure (BAS)202-874-5300
Eric ThompsonDirector
Kevin CorcoranAssistant Director
Jonathan FinkAssistant Director
Steven KeyAssistant Director
William GliddenAssociate Director

The Bank Activities and Structure Division (BAS) provides advice on a broad range of banking law questions:

  • Bank structure matters arising in the licensing context
    • Chartering national banks and federal savings associations
    • Branching
    • Operating subsidiaries
    • Non-controlling investments in other entities
    • Conversions
    • And more
  • General bank powers and activities
  • Electronic banking
  • Bank-owned life insurance
  • Real estate and leasing activities
  • Lending limits
  • Problem bank and resolution matters
  • Voluntary liquidations
  • Conservatorship and receivership
  • Golden parachutes
  • Other banking law questions arising in a problem bank resolution context
Community and Consumer Law (CCL)202-874-5750
Michael BylsmaDirector
Ken LennonAssistant Director

The Community and Consumer Law Division (CCL):

  • Provides legal interpretations and advice on consumer protection, fair lending and community reinvestment and development issues
  • Is responsible for legal issues related to the bank community development powers and activities, including activities conducted within the bank, investments in community development corporations and projects, and participation in community development financial institutions
Enforcement and Compliance (E&C)202-874-4800
Richard StearnsDirector
Monica FreasAssistant Director
James HendriksenAssistant Director
Gerard SextonAssistant Director
Ellen WarwickAssistant Director
Linda BridgmanPrincipal Assistant to the Director for Special Investigations

The Enforcement and Compliance Division (E&C) is responsible for handling all non-delegated enforcement actions, including:

  • Large civil money penalties
  • Suspensions and removals
  • Temporary cease and desist orders
  • Other administrative enforcement actions to assure compliance with federal banking laws

The Division also acts as a liaison with the Department of Justice (DOJ) on significant referrals for criminal acts involving bank officials. E&C works closely with DOJ and the other bank regulatory agencies on coordination of law enforcement efforts involving insured financial institutions.

Legislative & Regulatory Activities (LRA)202-874-5090
Stuart FeldsteinDirector
Jamey BashamAssistant Director
Deborah KatzAssistant Director/Legislative Counsel
Michele MeyerAssistant Director

The Legislative and Regulatory Activities division (LRA) is responsible for the following areas of the law department's work:

  • Developing and drafting the OCC's regulations and ensuring the agency's compliance with the various federal statutes and executive orders that govern the rulemaking process
  • Monitoring pending legislation of significance to national banks, and federal savings associations, or the OCC and providing legal support for the agency's legislative work
  • Providing legal advice on international banking issues relating to foreign banks' federal branches or agencies in the United States and the foreign operations of national banks and federal savings associations
  • Providing legal advice and preparing legal opinions on the applicability of state laws to national banks and federal savings associations
  • Providing legal advice on issues relating to national banks and federal savings associations' regulatory capital requirements
Litigation (LIT)202-874-5280
Horace SneedDirector
Greg TaylorAssistant Director

The Litigation Division

  • Represents the OCC in court
  • Represents the OCC in the administrative phase of personnel action (e.g., EEO, Merit Systems Protection Board)
  • Administers the OCC's regulations regarding confidential supervisory information
  • Advises the Comptroller regarding administrative law judge decisions appealed to the Comptroller, and drafts the Comptroller's decision document
  • Provides litigation risk advice
  • Prepares the legal memoranda necessary for problem bank resolutions
Securities & Corporate Practices (SCP)202-874-5210
Ellen BroadmanDirector
Ted DowdAssistant Director
Suzette GrecoAssistant Director

The Securities and Corporate Practices Division:

  • Provides legal counsel and advises banks and the public on a broad range of federal banking and securities law matters
  • Provides advice on bank powers, securities activities, derivatives activities, complex structured finance transactions and much more
  • Provides counsel on corporate applications and notices
  • Addresses questions relating to banking laws
  • Administers and enforces the federal securities laws
  • Serves as liaison with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the National Association of Securities Dealers, and the Commodities Futures Trading Commission
District Counsel Offices
Northeastern District Office (NEDO)212-790-4010
Jonathan RushdoonyDistrict Counsel
James PorrecaAssistant District Counsel
Southern District Office (SODO)214-720-7012
Randy RyskampDistrict Counsel
Javier MaymirAssistant District Counsel
Central District Office (CEDO)312-360-8805
Coreen ArnoldDistrict Counsel
Stacy PowersAssistant District Counsel
Western District Office (WEDO)720-475-7630
Lance CantorDistrict Counsel
Jimmy SinghAssistant District Counsel

 The District Counsel and their attorneys:

  • Are frontline legal advisors
  • Advise large and mid-size bank examination teams
  • Advise banking companies, bank counsel, and law firms
  • Are legal representatives with respect to U.S. Attorneys' Offices, state banking departments, and other local offices of federal and state agencies
  • Provide legal support on all types of enforcement actions
  • Conduct legal training programs for examiners
  • Represent the Law Department as speakers at seminars
  • Prepare a variety of significant enforcement actions, corporate opinions, and legal advisory letters