International Labour Organization
ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations
© Flickr/rogiro
From South Africa
The ILO calls for social dialogue and a review of labour market institutions to avoid further violence in the South African mining industry.
© Jamie Martin / World Bank
ILO Blog
"Global youth unemployment has become a reservoir of wasted talent and a tinderbox of frustration," says ILO Director-General Guy Ryder in the new ILO blog "Work in Progress".
Labour Standards
In his first interview as Director-General of the International Labour Organization, Guy Ryder gives an overview of the major challenges facing the world of work and the ILO.
© Flickr/UN Photo/Martine Perret
Forced labour
The ILO welcomes US President Barack Obama’s strong stance against forced labour, which affects some 21 million people worldwide.

Focus on

  1. Youth employment

    40 per cent of the jobless worldwide are young people. There will be nearly 75 million unemployed youth aged 15 to 24 in 2012, an increase of nearly 4 million since 2007. The youth unemployment crisis can be beaten but only if job creation for young people becomes a key priority in policy-making.

  2. Social Protection

    Social protection programmes can act as stabilizers mitigating the impact of economic crises on labour markets while contributing to maintaining social cohesion and stimulating aggregate demand.

  3. The ILO and the G20

    G20 countries would need to create 21 million jobs in 2012 in order to return to pre-crisis employment levels.

Policy frameworks

  1. The ILO Global Jobs Pact: A policy framework to accelerate a job rich recovery

    Adopted by ILO constituents in June 2009, the Global Jobs Pact provides a set of policy measures centred on investments, employment and social protection.

  2. ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization

    Adopted in 2008 by the representatives of governments, employers and workers from all ILO member States, the Declaration expresses the contemporary vision of the ILO’s mandate in the era of globalization.

Labour rights recognized for Filipino domestic workers

The Philippines' ratification of ILO Convention 189 officially extends basic labour rights to domestic workers and will bring the convention into force within the year. But what does passing this landmark legislation actually change in the life of a maid working in the Philippines?

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