Special Feature
September 16, 2011
Christine Campigotto | (703) 875-4357

Signs Three Agreements to Advance Private Sector Power Development

USTDA awards three grants to Turkish private sector power developers, totaling nearly $1 million.
USTDA awards three grants to Turkish private sector power developers, totaling nearly $1 million.

TURKEY – Today, USTDA announced three grants that will support the Turkish private sector’s efforts to develop clean sources of energy and promote energy efficiency. The grants, totaling nearly $1 million, are designed to support over $100 million in new business opportunities in Turkey and demonstrate the U.S. Government's broad commitment to raising the level of economic partnership while expanding trade and investment ties. These grants come in advance of a U.S. Trade Mission to Turkey this December led by Department of Commerce Under Secretary for International Trade Francisco Sánchez, which will consist of 15-20 U.S. companies exploring renewable energy and energy efficiency opportunities.

“Turkey's clean energy sector has enormous potential and plays an important role in Turkey's continued economic development and growth," stated USTDA Regional Director Carl B. Kress. "We are proud to be supporting its growth, and encouraging U.S. private sector involvement."

A $201,606 grant to one of Turkey's first privatized distribution companies, Başkent Electricity Distribution (EnerjiSA, Sabancı-Verbund JV) Company, will fund a feasibility study to explore and develop a smart grid roadmap. The study will propose smart grid solutions, as well as set an example for future smart grid projects to be implemented in Turkey. A $393,927 grant to Zorlu Enerji will fund a feasibility study to evaluate the construction of a geothermal power plant at the Alașehir geothermal resource site in the Aegean-West Anatolian region of Turkey. The study will be carried out by Veizades & Associates, Inc., based in California. Finally, a $403,640 grant to the Izmir Ataturk Organized Industrial Zone (İAOSB) is part of a U.S. Department of Energy-led effort to support energy efficiency in Turkey and will provide technical assistance and energy efficiency recommendations for ten companies in the Industrial Zone, including an assessment of expansion plans for the Zone's power plant.

USTDA's investments will support clean and efficient energy development in Turkey.
USTDA's investments will support clean and efficient energy development in Turkey.

These investments in clean energy build upon USTDA's previous successful partnership with a Turkish private sector geothermal company. Based on the results of a USTDA-funded investment analysis, the largest privately owned geothermal facility in Turkey became operational in May 2009. The 47.5 megawatt plant was built in the Aydin-Germencik geothermal field by the Gurmat Energy Investment and Trade Company. Since coming online, Germencik is providing Turkey with an important renewable energy source to further the country's economic growth. Importantly, up to 250 local jobs were associated with the construction and erection works and 37 jobs were generated to operate the plant while utilizing over $23 million in exports of U.S.-manufactured goods and services.

The signings took place at the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, in the presence of U.S. Ambassador Francis J. Ricciardone, U.S. Commerce Under Secretary for International Trade Francisco Sánchez, and Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Undersecretary Metin Kilci. USTDA Regional Director Carl B. Kress signed each agreement on behalf of USTDA. Mr. Yetik Mert, CEO of EnerjiSA, signed on behalf of Başkent Electricity Distribution Company; Mr. Murat Sungur Bursa, CEO of Zorlu Energy Group, signed on behalf of Zorlu Enerji; and Mr. Hilmi Uğurtaş, Chairman of the Board of Directors of İAOSB, signed on behalf of the İAOSB.

The opportunity to carry out the Başkent Electricity Distribution Company feasibility study and Izmir Ataturk Organized Industrial Zone technical assistance will be competed on the Federal Business Opportunities website. Interested U.S. companies should visit www.ustda.gov/businessopps/index.asp.

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The U.S. Trade and Development Agency helps companies create U.S. jobs through the export of U.S. goods and services for priority development projects in emerging economies. USTDA links U.S. businesses to export opportunities by funding project planning activities, pilot projects, and reverse trade missions while creating sustainable infrastructure and economic growth in partner countries.