The Exchange associates "Walk a Mile" in customer's boots

The Aviator, Bolling AFB

May 17 (Courtesy of the Exchange's Bolling AFB PAR Kat Edwards)

In concert with its motto, "We Go Where You Go," the Army & Air Force Exchange Service's (the Exchange) 45,635 associates deliver support to America's military at more than 3,100 facilities worldwide. the Exchange's 883 active duty, National Guard and Reserve member associates bring a special understanding of their customer's expectations, having served on both sides of the counter.

The Atlanta Distribution Center (ADC) is home to several associates who have first-hand knowledge of the benefit the Exchange extends to troops throughout Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom. Donald Jordan, for example, recently returned to the shipping department after a tour of duty in Iraq as a member of a recon scout team with a combat engineer unit. He says having a PX to visit was a bonus for his troops.

"The PX brought up my soldiers' morale, brought up morale for me," said Jordan. "It was a nice place to relax and get away."

Seeing the difference contingency PX / BXs make impacted Jordan beyond his immediate assignment in Iraq; it now influences his day-to-day work at home in Georgia.

"I took my work seriously before I deployed," said Jordan. "But coming back, seeing how the guys were looking forward to stuff we ship, makes me do my job here even better than before."

The fact that the snacks, electronics and hygiene items sent from the ADC today will be enjoyed by troops in a war zone half a world away is a source of satisfaction for associates like Jordan. He knows that his work in Atlanta is directly impacting fellow service members who work and live in locations he too has served.

The Exchange currently delivers a bit of home to deployed troops of all services through more than 450 associates voluntarily deployed to 56 PX / BX locations and 174 name brand fast food restaurants scattered throughout Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom.

Experiences Downrange

These stories represent a sampling of the more than 1,700 deployees and their experiences downrange. If you are a deployee and would like to add your deployment history, please contact us.