Eustis father voluntarily deploys in support of troops

The Wheel, Ft. Eustis

Jan. 4 (Courtesy of the Exchange Ft. Eustis PARs Jennifer Rodriguez / Catherine Jones)

While most Americans planned to spend the next month celebrating theholidays with friends and family, one local Department of Defense civilian hasdecided to leave his home and family for a six-month voluntary deployment tothe Middle East.

A three-year Army & Air Force Exchange Service (the Exchange) associate, aformer Marine and father of two, Fort Eustis’ Calvin Boger decided now was thetime to trek 6,276 miles to man a contingency PX / BX in support troopshalf a world away.

“I want to give a home feeling to the troops,” said Mr. Boger. “Although I’m nolonger in the military, it’s my way of doing my part.”

Boger had two weeks of intensive training and preparation at the Exchange Headquarters in Dallas and the Continental United States (CONUS) Replacement Center at Ft. Benning, Ga. or Ft.Bliss, Texas.

Currently, there are more than 450 volunteer the Exchange associates like Mr.Boger deployed in support of Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom.

“I am really proud of the associates who are doing a magnificent job indeployed locations around the world,” said The Exchange’ Commander Maj. Gen.Bill Essex. “Some of them are working in very austere conditions, but they aredoing tremendous work. Every associate who deploys is a true hero in my eyes.”

To date, 1,800 the Exchange civilians have deployed to provide comfort itemsand necessities in combat and contingency locations. Service members depend onthe PX / BX facilities these associates support for day-to-day health andcomfort items such as soap, shampoo, toothpaste, snacks, beverages andentertainment items.

The merchandise assortment in the deployed environments typically includesbasic health and hygiene items and snacks. Over time, that assortment is expandedto other items needed and requested by troops downrange. Today, the Exchange stocks electronics, magazines, DVDs and even small appliances at more than 50 PX / BX locations scattered throughout the contingency theater.

Experiences Downrange

These stories represent a sampling of the more than 1,700 deployees and their experiences downrange. If you are a deployee and would like to add your deployment history, please contact us.