Automated Export System Filing Requirements

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The Census Bureau’s Foreign Trade Division announced the publication of the Foreign Trade Regulations (FTR), Title 15, Part 30. The publication of the final rule implements the provisions of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Public Law 107-228, stipulates mandatory filing of export information via the Automated Export System (AES). This final rule was published in the Federal Register on June 2, 2008 and became effective on September 30, 2008. FTR Highlights explains important changes.

If you previously filed paper Shipper’s Export Declarations (SEDs), STOP!

Export information must be filed electronically through AESDirect by you or your designated agent.

After September 30, 2008, exporters that submit paper SEDs will be in violation of the FTR and subject to penalties. Your export information must be filed electronically through the AES. In addition, all exporters must adhere to the new filing timeframes determined by the mode of transportation. These new regulations have tougher penalty provisions that will affect all parties involved in the export process. It is important that you understand these new requirements so that you avoid costly penalties. A number of workshops are being provided to assist you in better understanding the new requirements.

View the following videos to learn more about filing electronic export information (EEI) through AESDirect.

If you have any questions with regards to the new regulations or the AES, please contact the Foreign Trade Division on 800-549-0595. Select option 1 to reach the Automated Export System Branch for export reporting issues or option 3 to reach the Regulations, Outreach and Education Branch for regulatory concerns. The entire FTR, along with other information including a list of frequently asked questions, can also be found on the Census Bureau’s website