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NOAA Fisheries
Office of Protected Resources
Acropora palmata thicket on Mona Island, Puerto Rico. Andy Bruckner, 1996Coho salmon painting, Canadian Dept of Fisheries and OceansMonk seal, C.E. BowlbyHumpback whale, Dr. Lou Herman
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Incidental Take Authorizations

LOA | IHA | How Do I Apply? | ESA Authorizations | Federal Agency Actions | Non-Federal Actions | LOA/IHA Applications for Public Review

This page is designed to provide information on why the marine mammal non-fishery interaction program was created, how the program operates under current laws and regulations, and to provide guidance on how to obtain marine mammal small take authorizations for non-fishery activities. The marine mammal non-fishery interaction program is tasked with implementation of section 101(a)(5) (A-D) of the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 (MMPA), as amended (16 U.S.C. 1371(a)(5)), which provides a mechanism for allowing, upon request, the "incidental", but not intentional, taking, of small numbers of marine mammals by U.S. citizens who engage in a specified activity (other than commercial fishing) within a specified geographic region.

MMPA Incidental Take Authorization or Letter of Authorization (LOA)
In 1981, Congress amended the MMPA to provide for "incidental take" authorizations for maritime activities, provided NMFS found the takings would be of small numbers and have no more than a "negligible impact" on those marine mammal species not listed as depleted under the MMPA (i.e., listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), and not having an "unmitigable adverse impact" on subsistence harvests of these species. These "incidental take" authorizations, also known as Letters of Authorization or LOAs, require that regulations be promulgated and published in the Federal Register outlining:

  • Permissible methods and the specified geographical region of taking;
  • The means of effecting the least practicable adverse impact on the species or stock and its habitat and on the availability of the species or stock for "subsistence" uses; and,
  • Requirements for monitoring and reporting, including requirements for the independent peer-review of proposed monitoring plans where the proposed activity may affect the availability of a species or stock for taking for subsistence uses.

In 1986, Congress amended both the MMPA, under the incidental take program, and the ESA to authorize takings of depleted (and endangered or threatened) marine mammals, again provided the taking (lethal, injurious, or harassment) was small in number and had a negligible impact on marine mammals.

MMPA Incidental Harassment Authorization (IHA)
In 1994, MMPA section 101(a)(5) was amended to establish an expedited process by which citizens of the U.S. can apply for an authorization to incidentally take small numbers of marine mammals by "harassment", referred to as Incidental Harassment Authorizations or IHAs. It established specific time limits for public notice and comment on any requests for authorization which would be granted under this new provision. According to the legislative history, Congress expected NMFS to act expeditiously in complying with the notice and comment requirements and expected NMFS to use the general rule making authority available under section 112 of the MMPA to establish a process for granting authorization in the case of incidental takes by harassment in "Arctic waters". In 1996 NMFS published an interim final rule (50 CFR Part 216.101-108) implementing this aspect of the program. The interim rule will be amended and written upon completion of NMFS' criteria for acoustic harassment.

Because the incidental harassment authorization process has eliminated the need for promulgating specific regulations on the incidental taking, IHAs have been of increasing interest since 1994 for those individuals with relatively short-term activities that might inadvertently harass marine mammals. This program allows authorizations to be issued in 120 days, instead of the 8-18 months typically needed for LOAs issued under regulations.

Regarding activities that occur in Arctic waters, the MMPA requires that monitoring plans be peer reviewed where the activity has the potential to affect the availability of a species or stock of marine mammals for subsistence uses. In order to aid NOAA Fisheries Service in its review of the monitoring plans, NOAA Fisheries Service holds an annual Open Water Meeting in Anchorage, Alaska, each spring.

Types of Activities
Most LOAs and IHAs to date have involved the incidental harassment of marine mammals by noise. Activities with the greatest potential to harass by noise include:

  • seismic airguns
  • ship and aircraft noise
  • high energy sonars
  • explosives detonations

Applying for an LOA or IHA
First the applicant must ask: Do I need an LOA or an IHA?

The applicant should apply for an IHA and does not need an LOA for the activity if it can be shown that:

  1. there is no potential for serious injury or mortality; or,
  2. the potential for serious injury or mortality can be negated through mitigation requirements that could be required under the authorization

If these two requirements cannot be met, or in other words, if the potential for "serious injury" and/or mortalities exists and there are no mitigating measurements that could be taken to prevent this form of 'take' from occurring, then the applicant must obtain an LOA.

After the type of authorization is determined, the applicant must submit a written request to the NMFS Office of Protected Resources AND the appropriate NMFS Regional Office where the specified activity is planned. These requests must include items 1-14 below before being considered by NMFS.

{Note that incomplete applications and applications that do not contain or refer to the necessary NEPA documentation, if applicable, will be returned to the applicant with explanation.}

All applications for marine mammal incidental take authorizations, whether an LOA or an IHA, must include the following information in sufficient detail for NOAA Fisheries to meet the requirements mandated by section 7 of the Endangered Species Act and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA):

  1. A detailed description of the specific activity or class of activities that can be expected to result in incidental taking of marine mammals;
  2. The date(s) and duration of such activity and the specific geographical region where it will occur;
  3. The species and numbers of marine mammals likely to be found within the activity area;
  4. A description of the status, distribution, and seasonal distribution (when applicable) of the affected species or stocks of marine mammals likely to be affected by such activities;
  5. The type of incidental taking authorization that is being requested (i.e., takes by harassment only; takes by harassment, injury and/or death) and the method of incidental taking;
  6. By age, sex, and reproductive condition (if possible), the number of marine mammals (by species) that may be taken by each type of taking identified in paragraph (a)(5) of this section, and the number of times such takings by each type of taking are likely to occur;
  7. The anticipated impact of the activity upon the species or stock;
  8. The anticipated impact of the activity on the availability of the species or stocks of marine mammals for subsistence uses;
  9. The anticipated impact of the activity upon the habitat of the marine mammal populations, and the likelihood of restoration of the affected habitat;
  10. The anticipated impact of the loss or modification of the habitat on the marine mammal populations involved;
  11. The availability and feasibility (economic and technological) of equipment, methods, and manner of conducting such activity or other means of effecting the least practicable adverse impact upon the affected species or stocks, their habitat, and on their availability for subsistence uses, paying particular attention to rookeries, mating grounds, and areas of similar significance;
  12. Where the proposed activity would take place in or near a traditional Arctic subsistence hunting area and/or may affect the availability of a species or stock of marine mammal for Arctic subsistence uses, the applicant must submit either a "plan of cooperation" or information that identifies what measures have been taken and/or will be taken to minimize any adverse effects on the availability of marine mammals for subsistence uses.
  13. The suggested means of accomplishing the necessary monitoring and reporting that will result in increased knowledge of the species, the level of taking or impacts on populations of marine mammals that are expected to be present while conducting activities and suggested means of minimizing burdens by coordinating such reporting requirements with other schemes already applicable to persons conducting such activity. Monitoring plans should include a description of the survey techniques that would be used to determine the movement and activity of marine mammals near the activity site(s) including migration and other habitat uses, such as feeding. Guidelines for developing a site-specific monitoring plan may be obtained by writing to the Director, Office of Protected Resources; and
  14. Suggested means of learning of, encouraging, and coordinating research opportunities, plans, and activities relating to reducing such incidental taking and evaluating its effects.

All documentation, including the application, reports, and any other associated documents are considered public information and as such, are subject to the Freedom of Information Act.  Notwithstanding any other provision of the law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall any person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act, unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.

OMB No. 0648-0151
Expires: January 31, 2014

How long does it take to get an authorization once the application is complete?
Please note that decisions on LOA applications (includes two comment periods, possible public hearings, and consultations) may take from 8-18 months. IHA decisions normally involve one comment period and, depending on the issues and species involved, can take anywhere from 4-8 months.

Endangered Species Act Authorizations Involving Marine Mammals
The 1986 MMPA Amendments provided for an authorization to incidentally take ESA-listed marine mammals provided the taking (including mortality) was authorized under section 101(a)(5) of the MMPA.

Any takings of marine mammals listed as threatened or endangered under the ESA must be authorized under both the ESA and MMPA. The ESA takes are authorized by either an Incidental Take Statement or ITS under Section 7 (for Federal agency actions) or a Section 10 permit (for private citizens).

Federal Agency Actions
Section 7 of the ESA requires a Federal authorizing or action agency to consult with NMFS on any actions that might affect listed species. If the agency or NMFS determines an action is likely to adversely affect a species (this would include any taking actions under the MMPA), formal consultation is required. Here, NMFS prepares a "Biological Opinion" (BO) which assesses whether the action is likely to jeopardize the existence of the species. The BO may include binding and/or discretionary recommendations to reduce impact. An ITS is attached to the BO as an appendix, and it is this statement which allows the incidental take. An ITS cannot be authorized for a listed marine mammal until the MMPA authorization is completed.

Non-Federal Actions
A private citizen or State action not involving a Federal agency which would result in an incidental taking of a listed species must be authorized under section 10 of the ESA. The applicant is required to develop a conservation plan which describes the action, evaluates the effect of the take, and establishes the level of take. The Federal action of NMFS issuing a permit under section 10 is considered an action which itself requires section 7 consultation (in which case NMFS consults with itself).

LOA/IHA Applications for Public Review
Applicant Application EA/EIS Documents
2012 Pacific Gas and Electric (PGE) Marine Geophysical Survey off the Central Coast of California, Nov-Dec 2012

IHA Application

NSF Draft EA

» Draft EA attachment

Federal Register notice and request for comments through 10/15/2012

Stranding Response Plan (DRAFT)

2013-2018 Port Dolphin Florida LNG Construction and Operation

LOA Application
[pdf] [2.6 MB]


Federal Register notice and request for comments through 10/25/2012

Acoustic Monitoring Plan

2012 Farallon Islands Bird Mitigation Research Trial

IHA Application


Federal Register Notice and Request for Comments through 09/26/2012

2012-2013 Gulf of the Farallones NMS Abalone Survey IHA Application
  Federal Register Notice and Request for Comments
2012 ION Geophysical Project

IHA Application


Comments Received

Federal Register Notice and Request for Comments

Conflict Avoidance Agreement

Monitoring and Mitagation Plan

Plan of Cooperation

2012 Honolulu Seawater Air Conditioning Project IHA Application
  Federal Register Notice and Request for Comments
2012 Washington DNR Woodard Bay

Issued IHA

IHA Application



Federal Register Notice and Request for Comments

Monitoring Report

2012 Washington State Ferries Transfer Span Replacement Project at the Port Townsend Ferry Terminal, WA

IHA Application


Federal Register Notice

2012 Eglin AFB Precision Strike Weapons and Air-to-Surface Gunnery Exercises

LOA Application


Federal Register Notice

2012 United Launch Alliance (ULA) Delta IV Activities IHA Renewal Application
  Federal Register Notice
2012 Navy's Training in the Mariana Islands Range Complex (MIRC)

LOA Renewal Application

Proposed LOA


2012 Exercise Report

2012 Monitoring Report

2012 Activities for the America's Cup in San Francisco Bay

Issued IHA

IHA Application



Federal Register Notice of Issuance

USCG Special Local Regulations area map

Visitation Analysis

Monitoring Report

Federal Register Notice

2012 L-DEO Seismic Survey in the Northeast Pacific Ocean

Issued IHA for Cascadia Thrust Zone northern area and Cascadia Subduction Zone seismic survey

Issued IHA for Cascadia Thrust Zone southern survey area

Issued IHA for Juan de Fuca Plate study area

IHA Application

Signed NSF EA
EA Attachment 1



Incidental Take Statement for Cascadia Thrust Zone northern area and Cascadia Subduction Zone seismic survey

Letter to NSF on Cascadia Thrust Zone northern area and Cascadia Subduction Zone seismic survey

Biological Opinion for Cascadia Thrust Zone northern area and Cascadia Subduction Zone seismic survey

Biological Opinion for Cascadia Thrust Zone southern survey area

Letter to NSF on Cascadia Thrust Zone southern survey Biological Opinion

Incidental Take Statement for Cascadia Thrust Zone southern survey

Biological Opinion for Juan de Fuca Plate study area

Federal Register Notice of Proposed IHA

2012 Shell Chukchi Sea Exploratory Drilling Program Issued IHA

IHA Application
Final EA


Draft EA
[pdf] [3.3 MB]
Biological Opinion

Final Monitoring Plan

Federal Register Notice of Draft EA

Comments Received
[pdf] [10.9 MB]

Federal Register Notice
2012 Shell Beaufort Sea Exploratory Drilling Program Issued IHA

IHA Application
Final EA


Draft EA
[pdf] [3.3 MB]
Biological Opinion

Final Monitoring Plan

Federal Register Notice of Draft EA

Comments Received
[pdf] [10.2 MB]

Federal Register Notice
2012 Naval Base Kitsap Bangor Pile Replacement Program

Issued IHA

IHA Application

FONSI (2012)

Adoption Memo (2012)


Environmental Assessment (EA)
[pdf] [15.9 MB]

Acoustic Monitoring Plan (June 2012)

Marine Mammal Plan (June 2012)

Acoustic Monitoring Report (April 2012)

Marine Mammal Report (April 2012)

Federal Register Notice

2012 BP Open Water Seismic Survey

Issued IHA

IHA Application

Supplemental IHA Information



Federal Register Notice

Plan of Corporation (POC)

Comments from the Marine Mammal Commission

Comments from the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission

Comments from the public

Federal Register Notice

Conflict Avoidance Agreement

Panel Report

2013-18 Columbia River Crossing Bridge Construction LOA Application
[pdf] [16.6 MB]

Federal Register Notice

Marine Mammal Monitoring Report

Hydroacoustic Monitoring Report

Pile Extraction Report

Federal Register Notice of Receipt

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Gulf Sturgeon Research in the Gulf of Mexico LOA Application
  Federal Register notice
2012 Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS) Fireworks Displays

Issued LOA: 2012-2017


[pdf] [1.5 MB]

EA (2006)
[pdf] [5.8 MB]

Federal Register notice

2011 Fireworks Reporting

Maps of Fireworks Launch Sites in MBNMS
[pdf] [1.0 MB]

Assessment of Pyrotechnic Displays and Impacts within the MBNMS 1993-2001 [pdf]
» Appendix to Assessment
[pdf] [1.3 MB]

2012 L-DEO Marine Low-Energy Seismic Survey in the Pacific Ocean, Line Islands IHA Application


Federal Register notice
2012 Sonoma County Water Agency's Russian River Estuary Management project

Issued IHA

IHA Renewal Application

EA (2010)

FONSI (2010)

Federal Register notice

Monitoring Report

Management Plan

2012 Scripps Institution of Oceanography low-energy marine seismic survey by the R/V Melville in the South-Eastern Pacific Ocean

Signed IHA- Corrected (04/30/2012)

Issued IHA

Revised IHA Application

IHA Application

Attachment to NSF EA


NSF Draft EA

Draft EA Attachment

Federal Register notice of issuance

Federal Register notice of proposed IHA

2012 Black Abalone Research by Dr. VanBlaricom on San Nicolas Island, CA

IHA Application

EA (2005)

FONSI (2005)
Federal Register notice
2012 Pile Placement for Fishermen's Atlantic City Windfarm

Issued IHA

IHA Application
[pdf] [4.1 MB]



Federal Register notice of issuance

Federal Register notice

2012 Testing AN/AQS-20A Mine Reconnaissance Sonar System in the Navy's NSWC PCD Testing Range IHA Application
[pdf] [1.5 MB]
[pdf] [2.7 MB]
Navy's Gulf of Mexico (GOMEX) Range Complex Training Exercises

Renewal Request for LOA

Issued LOA

LOA Application Addendum

[pdf] [1.8 MB]

2011 Monitoring Report (East Coast and Gulf Range Complexes)
[pdf] [6.3 MB]

2011 Exercise Report (East Coast and Gulf Range Complexes)

Monitoring Plan

Final Rule

Proposed Rule

Navy's Atlantic Fleet Active Sonar Training (AFAST)

2012 LOA Renewal Application

2012 LOA
[pdf] [1.2 MB]

2011 LOA
[pdf] [1.2 MB]

2011 LOA Renewal Application

2010 AFAST LOA Renewal Application

AFAST Final Rule
[pdf] [1.9 MB]

[pdf] [1.3 MB]

[pdf] [4.1 MB]

Addendum to Application

Final Mitigation EA

Final EIS
[pdf] [13.6 MB]

Appendices to Final EIS
[pdf] [29.0 MB]

2011 AFAST Exercise Report

2011 AFAST Monitoring Report
[pdf] [3.2 MB]

2010 AFAST Monitoring Report
[pdf] [97.9 MB]

2010 AFAST Exercise Report

2010 Integrated Comprehensive Management Program Plan
[pdf] [2.2 MB]

2009 AFAST Monitoring Report
[pdf] [11.8 MB]

2009 AFAST Exercise Report

Final Stranding Response Plan

Final Monitoring Plan

Biological Opinion for AFAST regulations
[pdf] [1.6 MB]

Biological Opinion for AFAST 2009 LOA
[pdf] [2.5 MB]

After Action Reports (AARs)
[pdf] [4.1 MB]

2012 L-DEO Marine Seismic Survey in the Pacific Ocean, off Shatsky Rise IHA Application


NSF Report (Attachment 1)

Federal Register Notice
2012 Ocean Renewable Power Company (ORPC) Maine's Pile Placement in Cobscook Bay IHA Application
[pdf] [1.5 MB]


Federal Register Notice of Issuance

Federal Register Notice of Receipt
2012 Naval Base Kitsap Bangor Wharf Construction Project

Issued IHA

IHA Application

Record of Decision (ROD)

Decision Memo

Acoustic Monitoring

Marine Mammal Monitoring

Federal Register Notice

2011 St. George Reef Lighthouse Restoration in Del Norte, CA Issued IHA

IHA Application

Final EA

[pdf] [1.7 MB]

Comments Received (MMC)

Federal Register Notice
2012 U.S. Navy's Southern California Range Complex (SOCAL)

2012 SOCAL Application
[pdf] [3.8 MB]

2011 SOCAL
LOA renewal application


2010 SOCAL LOA renewal application
[pdf] [1.3 MB]

2010 SOCAL LOA renewal application addendum
[pdf [1.3 MB]

SOCAL Final Rule

2008 LOA application

EIS Vol 1
[pdf] [51.9 MB]

EIS Vol 2
[pdf] [28.2 MB]

Final SOCAL Mitigation EA

Federal Register Notice

2011 SOCAL-HRC Exercise Report

2011 SOCAL Monitoring Report
[pdf] [64.4 MB]

2010 HRC-SOCAL Monitoring Report
[pdf] [58.0 MB]

2011 LOA
[pdf] [1.1 MB]

2010 HRC-SOCAL Exercise Report
[pdf] [1.5 MB]

2009 HRC-SOCAL Exercise Report
[pdf] [1.3 MB]

2009 SOCAL Exercise Report addendum
[pdf] [1.3 MB]

2009 HRC-SOCAL Monitoring Report
[pdf] [1.3 MB]

[pdf] [1.3 MB]

2010 Integrated Comprehensive Management Program Plan
[pdf] [2.2 MB]

Biological Opinion for SOCAL regulations
[pdf] [1.6 MB]

Biological Opinion for SOCAL 2009 LOA
[pdf] [1.8 MB]

Final SOCAL Monitoring Plan
[pdf] [3.4 MB]

Final SOCAL Stranding Response Plan

Supplementary Doc (Updated Draft Monitoring Plan)
[pdf] [2.2 MB]

2012 L-DEO Marine Seismic Survey in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) Issued IHA

IHA Application
NSF EA (2012)

LGL EA (2012)

2010 NSF EA

2010 LGL EA
Comments Received (MMC)

Federal Register notice of issuance

Federal Register Notice

2010 Federal Register notice
2012 U.S. Navy Agulhas Return Current Research Project (ARC12) IHA Application
  Federal Register Notice
2011 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Blasting Operations during the Port of Miami Construction Project

2013-2014 IHA Application

IHA Application

Final EA

Federal Register Notice of Issuance

Comments Received
MMC Comments

Federal Register Notice

Biological Opinion

Record of Decision (ROD)

Monitoring Report

2005 Federal Register Notice

2003 Federal Register Notice

2011 U.S. Marine Corps Training Activities in Pamlico Sound, NC Issued IHA

IHA Application
[pdf] [9.3 MB]

Federal Register Notice of Issuance

Federal Register Notice of Receipt

2010 Monitoring Report
2012 Navy Training in 12 Range Complexes and U.S. Air Force Space Vehicle and Test Flight Activities in California     Final Rule in Federal Register

Proposed Rule in Federal Register
2011 Navy's Training in Mariana Islands Range Complex (MIRC) LOA Application
[pdf] [1.2 MB]
  2011 Exercise Report

2011 Monitoring Report
[pdf] [1.1 MB]
2012 Army Corps of Engineers Pier 36/ Brannan Street Wharf Project IHA Application


Comments Received

Proposed IHA Federal Register Notice

2012 Navy Training in the Hawaii Range Complex

LOA Application
  Federal Register Notice of proposed modification to LOA

2011 Exercise Report

2011 Monitoring Report
[pdf] [64.4 MB]
2011 Navy Training in the Northwest Training Range Complex LOA Application
  Federal Register Notice of Issuance

Monitoring Report

Exercise Report
2011 Apache Alaska Corp. Seismic Survey in Cook Inlet, Alaska

Issued IHA

IHA Application
[pdf] [1.6 MB]

Final EA


Draft EA
[pdf] [2.1 MB]

Federal Register Notice of Issuance

Federal Register Notice of Proposed IHA

2011 Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (L-DEO) Marine Seismic Survey in Central Pacific Ocean

Issued IHA

IHA Application

[pdf] [1.5 MB]

Comments Received

Federal Register Notice
2011 Cape Wind Associates' High Resolution Geophysical Survey in Nantucket Sound, MA

IHA Application
[pdf] [1.8 MB]


Comments Received
[pdf] [1.3 MB]

Federal Register Notice
2012-2017 Navy Operations of Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System Low Frequency Active (SURTASS LFA) Sonar

1st Year LOAs

2012 LOA Application

2012-2017 Rulemaking Application
[pdf] [2.5 MB]

NMFS Record of Decision

Draft Supplemental EIS This link is an external site.

Final Rule in the Federal Register

Federal Register Notice of Extension of Comment Period (closed 02/21/2012)
Federal Register Notice

Annual Report #4 (2007 rule)

Annual Report #3

Annual Report #2

Annual Report #1

2011 Port of Vancouver

IHA Application
[pdf] [8.2 MB]

  Federal Register Notice
2011 Scripps Institution of Oceanography Low-Energy Marine Seismic Survey in the Western Tropical Pacific Ocean

Issued IHA
[pdf] [3.6 MB]

IHA Application
[pdf] [1.2 MB]

[pdf] [2.5 MB]

[pdf] [1.3 MB]
Federal Register Notice of Issuance

Comments Received
[pdf] [12.1 MB]

Federal Register Notice of Receipt
2011 Northeast Gateway Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Port Facility in Massachusetts Bay IHA Application
  Federal Register Notice
2011 Eglin AFB- Gunnery Exercises

Issued IHA
[pdf] [1.1 MB]

[pdf] [1.2 MB]


Federal Register Notice
2011 UAGI Marine Seismic Survey in the Arctic Issued IHA

IHA Application
Draft EA
[pdf] [7.4 MB]
90-day Monitoring Report
[pdf] [1.9 MB]

Comments Received
[pdf] [1.3 MB]

Federal Register Notice

Plan of Cooperation
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement (BOEMRE, formerly Minerals Management Service (MMS)) Seismic Surveys in the Gulf of Mexico 2011 Application, including Appendices
[pdf] [2.4 MB]

-2011 Application (without Appendices)

-Appendix A: Acoustic Modeling Approach and Methodology
[pdf] [1.9 MB]

-Appendix B: Current Seismic Surveys Mitigation Measures in the Gulf

-Appendix C: Methodology for recalculation of new take estimates for the period 2012-7

2004 MMS Application

2002 MMS Application
[pdf] [1.1 MB]
2004 MMS PEA
[pdf] [8.8 MB]
Comments Received
[pdf] [20.4 MB]

2011 Federal Register Notice of Receipt (BOEMRE)

2004 Federal Register Notice of Intent for an EIS (MMS)

2003 Federal Register Notice of Receipt (MMS)

2003 Federal Register Notice of extension of comment deadline (MMS)
2011 USGS Marine Geophysical Survey in the Central-Western Bering Sea Issued IHA

IHA Application
[pdf] [1.3 MB]
Draft EA
[pdf] [3.4 MB]

Mitigation and Monitoring Report

Federal Register notice of issuance

Federal Register notice
*Correction to Federal Register notice
2010 PRBO Seabird and Pinniped Research in Central California Issued IHA

IHA Application
  Federal Register notice
2011 Statoil Shallow Hazards Survey in the Alaskan Chukchi Sea Issued IHA

IHA Application
[pdf] [1.6 MB]

Supplemental EA

90-day Monitoring Report
[pdf] [5.8 MB]

Biological Opinion

Plan of Cooperation
[pdf] [17.6 MB]

Federal Register notice of issuance

AEWC Comments

AWL Comments

MMC Comments

Federal Register notice and request for comments

Monitoring and Mitigation Plan
2011 Pile-Driving and Renovation Operations on the Trinidad Pier by the Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community for the Trinidad Rancheria in Trinidad, CA Issued IHA
[pdf] [1.4 MB]

IHA Application
Federal Register notice of issuance

Federal Register notice and request for comments

Biological Assessment

Monitoring Plan

NMFS Letter: November 2009

NMFS Letter: October 2009
2011 Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) Marine Seismic Survey in Western Gulf of Alaska Issued IHA
[pdf] [1.7 MB]

IHA Application
[pdf] [1.2 MB]
[pdf] [3.5 MB]

[pdf] [3.3 MB]

90-day Monitoring Report

Federal Register Notice of Issuance

MMC Comments

Federal Register Notice; Request for Comments

2011 United Launch Alliance Harbor Activities Related to the Delta IV/EEL Vehicle at VAFB, CA Issued IHA
[pdf] [1.1 MB]

IHA Application
  Public Comment

MMC Comments

Federal Register notice

2010 Monitoring Report
[pdf] [2.3 MB]
2011 USGS Marine Geophysical Survey in the Central Gulf of Alaska Issued IHA
[pdf] [4.5 MB]

IHA Application

Draft EA
[pdf] [2.2 MB]

90-day Monitoring Report
[pdf] [1.2 MB]

Federal Register Notice of Issuance

MMC Comments
[pdf] [4.1 MB]

Federal Register Notice of Proposed IHA; Request for Comments

2011 Naval Base Kitsap Bangor Pile Replacement Program

IHA Application
[pdf] [4.4 MB]

Environmental Assessment (EA)
[pdf] [15.9 MB]

Draft EA
[pdf] [8.2 MB]

Federal Register notice of issuance

Federal Register notice of Proposed IHA

2011 L-DEO Marine Seismic Survey in the Pacific Ocean, off Costa Rica Issued IHA
[pdf] [5.8 MB]

IHA Application
[pdf] [1.3 MB]

[pdf] [7.8 MB]

NSF Report
[pdf] [2.2 MB]

[pdf] [3.2 MB]
MMC Comments

Federal Register Notice of Receipt; Request for Comments and Information
2011 Naval Base Kitsap Bangor Test Pile Program

Modified IHA

Issued IHA

IHA Application
[pdf] [2.8 MB]

Final EA
[pdf] [17.3 MB]


Draft EA
[pdf] [10.8 MB]

Acoustics Monitoring Report
[pdf] [64.1 MB]

Marine Mammal Monitoring Report
[pdf] [16.6 MB]

2011 USFWS Polar Bear Captures Issued IHA
[pdf] [1.6 MB]

IHA Application

EA (final)
[pdf] [1.7 MB]


Federal Register Notice of Proposed IHA

2011-2016 Neptune Deepwater Port Operation and Maintenance/ Repair

Issued LOA
[pdf] [2.1 MB]

LOA Application
[pdf] [4.5 MB]


Correction to Federal Register Notice of Final Rule

Federal Register Notice of Final Rule

Federal Register Notice of Proposed Rule

2010 San Francisco- Oakland Bay Bridge East Span Seismic Safety Project

2011 LOA

2011 IHA

IHA Renewal Clarification

IHA Renewal


Federal Register; Notice of Issuance

Comments from the Marine Mammal Commission

Federal Register notice

Marine Mammal Monitoring Report
[pdf] [1.3 MB]

2010 St. George Reef Lighthouse Restoration in Del Norte, CA Issued IHA
[pdf] [4.5 MB]

IHA Application

Final EA

[pdf] [1.7 MB]

MMC Comments
[pdf] [1.3 MB]

Federal Register Notice of Receipt; Request for Comments

2010 Monitoring Report
2010 US Navy Training Conducted within the Silver Strand Training Complex

LOA Addendum
[pdf] [2.5 MB]

IHA Application
[pdf] [6.9 MB]

IHA Application
version 2

[pdf] [5.0 MB]

IHA Application
version 3

[pdf] [6.8 MB]


Comments from the Marine Mammal Commission

Federal Register
Notice of Receipt;
Request for Comments

2010 Parsons Slough Sill Project in Monterey County, CA IHA Application
[pdf] [3.7 MB]

Federal Register Notice of Issuance

Federal Register Notice of Receipt;
Request for Comments

2010 Knik Arm Crossing Project
in Upper Cook Inlet, Alaska
LOA Application
[pdf] [5.1 MB]
  Federal Register
Notice of Receipt;
Request for Comments

2010 Exploratorium Relocation in San Francisco, CA IHA Application

Final EA

Federal Register Notice of Issuance

Federal Register notice of receipt; request for comments

2010 Northeast Gateway for the operations of an LNG port facility in Massachusetts Bay

Issued IHA

IHA Application
[pdf] [3.8 MB]


Comments from the Marine Mammal Commission
[pdf] [2.1 MB]

Federal Register
Notice of Issuance

Federal Register notice of receipt; request for comments

2010 Bluewater Meteorological Tower Installation, New Jersey/ Delaware

Issued IHA
[pdf] [3.0 MB]

IHA Application: Delaware

IHA Application: New Jersey


Federal Register Notice of Issuance

Federal Register notice of receipt; request for comments

2010 Alaska Aerospace Corporation Space Vehicle and Missile Launch Operations at Kodiak Launch Complex, AK LOA Application

2011-2 Monitoring Report

Final Rule

2011 LOA Notice

Federal Register proposed rule; request for comments

Federal Register notice of receipt; request for comments

2010 USGS Seismic Survey in the Arctic Ocean

Issued IHA
[pdf] [4.5 MB]

IHA Application
[pdf] [1.6 MB]

Addendum to IHA Application

Final EA
[pdf] [6.9 MB]

Draft EA
[pdf] [1.7 MB]

USGS 2010 Monitoring Report
[pdf] [7.8 MB]

Federal Register Notice of Issuance

AEWC Comments

Federal Register notice & request for comments

Comments Received
[pdf] [4.1 MB]

2010 Statoil 3D Marine Seismic Survey in Chukchi Sea, AK

Issued IHA

IHA Application
[pdf] [1.7 MB]

[pdf] [3.9 MB]


Peer Review Report

Peer Review Rec Letter

Comments Received
[pdf] [2.9 MB]

Federal Register notice of receipt; request for comments

Biological Opinion for Shell and Statoil's Marine and Seismic Surveys
[pdf] [1.7MB]

Statoil 90-day monitoring report
[pdf] [13 MB]
Addendum to the 90-day Report

2010 Shell Open Water Marine Survey Program in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, AK Issued IHA

IHA Application
[pdf] [1.7 MB]

[pdf] [3.9 MB]


90-day monitoring report with appendices
[pdf] [37.9 MB]
*Report only
[pdf] [7.4 MB]

Peer Review Report

Peer Review Rec Letter

Comments Received
[pdf] [3.6 MB]

Federal Register notice of receipt; request for comments

Biological Opinion for Shell and Statoil's Marine and Seismic Surveys
[pdf] [1.7 MB]

2010 Shell Chukchi Sea, AK, Exploratory Drilling Program IHA Application
[pdf] [1.2 MB]
  Comments Received

Federal Register notice of receipt; request for comments

Communication Plan

Plan of Cooperation (POC)
2010-2011 Neptune Deepwater Port Operation and Maintenance/ Repair 2010 Issued IHA
[pdf] [1.9 MB]

IHA Application
[pdf] [4.1 MB]
  Comments Received
[pdf] [1.9 MB]

Federal Register notice of receipt; request for comments
2010 Shell Camden Bay, Beaufort Sea, AK, Exploratory Drilling Program IHA Application
[pdf] [1.3 MB]
  Comments Received
[pdf] [38.9 MB]

Communications Plan

Plan of Cooperation (POC)

Federal Register notice of receipt; request for comments
2010 Washington State Department of Transportation Manette Bridge Replacement Project Issued IHA

IHA Application

[pdf] [1.8 MB]
2011-2016 BP Operation of Northstar Oil and Gas Facility in the Beaufort Sea, AK LOA Application
  Oil Spill Response Plan

Peer Review Panel Report

Federal Register Notice of Proposed Rule

Federal Register notice of receipt
2010 NMFS Alaska Region Replacement and Repair of Fur Seal Research Observation Towers and Walkways on St. Paul Island, AK Issued IHA
[pdf] [1.1 MB]

IHA Application
Final EA

Draft EA
90-Day Monitoring Report

Federal Register notice of issuance

MMC Comments

[pdf] [4.8 MB]


Federal Register notice of receipt; request for comments
2009 Navy Training Activities in the Gulf of Alaska Temporary Maritime Activities Area LOA Application
[pdf] [4.2 MB]
Draft EIS
[pdf] [13.9 MB]

Correction to Federal Register Notice of Final Rule

Federal Register Notice of Final Rule

Final Monitoring Plan

Stranding Protocol

Draft Monitoring Plan
[pdf] [1.4 MB]

Federal Register notice of
Proposed Rule

[pdf] [1.3 MB]

2009-12 Eglin Air Force Base's NEODS Training Operations Issued LOA

2011 Revised Application

2009 LOA Application
[pdf] [5.1 MB]

Biological Assessment

ESA Letter


Federal Register Notice of Issuance

2012 Final Rule Federal Register Notice

2010 Proposed Rule Federal Register Notice

2010 ESA informal consultation letter

2010 Federal Register notice of receipt

2009 PRBO Seabird and Pinniped Research in Central California Issued IHA
[pdf] [2.7 MB]

IHA Application
  Federal Register notice
2009 Caltrans Dumbarton Bridge Seismic Retrofit Project

Application Modification Letter

IHA Application

  Federal Register notice
2009 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Dredging and Sill Removal at U.S. Marine Corps Slipway at Blount Island, FL IHA Application
[pdf] [1.4 MB]
Draft EA
[pdf] [9.5 MB]
Federal Register notice & request for comments

Biological Assessment
[pdf] [1.5 MB]

Underwater Blast Pressures During Miami Harbor Project
2009 Naval Base Ventura County Boom Exercise Drills at Point Mugu, CA Issued IHA

IHA Application
[pdf] [1.2 MB]
  Monitoring Report

Public Comments
2009 Rice University Low-Energy Marine Seismic Survey in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean Signed IHA

IHA Application
[pdf] [1.4 MB]

Draft EA (NSF)
Monitoring Report
[pdf] [1.2 MB]

Federal Register notice of issued IHA

Federal Register notice of proposed IHA
2009 Shell Open-water Marine Survey Program, Chukchi Sea Issued IHA

IHA Application
[pdf] [1.8 MB]

» Addendum 1

» Addendum 2

90-day Monitoring Report
[pdf] [21.3 MB]

Public Comments Received
[pdf] [6.5 MB]
2009 Scripps Seismic Survey in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean Modified IHA

Signed IHA

IHA Application
[pdf] [1.3 MB]
[pdf] [1.1 MB]

Record of NEPA Compliance
Federal Register notice
2009 L-DEO Marine Geophysical Survey in the Northeast Pacific Ocean Issued IHA

[pdf] [1.1 MB]

L-DEO EA Report
[pdf] [3.8 MB]
Monitoring Report
[pdf] [3.1 MB]

Public Comments

Federal Register notice
2008 Navy's Mariana Islands Range Complex LOA Application
[pdf] [2.9 MB]

LOA Application Addendum

Additional Information
[pdf] [1.0 MB]
Draft EIS
[pdf] [20.5 MB]
» Vol 1
[pdf] [13.5 MB]
» Vol 2
[pdf] [7.0 MB]

Programmatic Biological Opinion for the Navy's Mariana Islands Range Complex
[pdf] [2.7 MB]

[pdf] [6.8 MB]

Draft Stranding Response Plan

Draft Monitoring Plan
[pdf] [1.1 MB]

Proposed Rule
[pdf] [1.0 MB]

Final Monitoring Plan

Final Stranding Protocol

Final Rule
[pdf] [1.4 MB]

2008 Navy's Northwest Training Range Complex (NWTRC)

[pdf] [14.8 MB]

[pdf] [2.7 MB]

Application Addendum

Draft EIS (all)
[pdf] [12.9 MB]

» Vol 1: Draft EIS
[pdf] [9.7 MB]

» Vol 2: Draft EIS
[pdf] [3.1 MB]

Final Rule

NWTRC Final Monitoring Plan
[pdf] [5.8 MB]

Proposed Rule

2008 Navy's East Coast Undersea Warfare Training Range LOA
[pdf] [2.9 MB]
2008 L-DEO Taiger Southeast Asia Seismic Modified IHA

Issued IHA

IHA Application
[pdf] [2.7 MB]
Supplemental EA
[pdf] [1.0 MB]

[pdf] [6.4 MB]
Monitoring Report
[pdf] [14.2 MB]

Federal Register notice: Issuance of IHA

Public Comments
[pdf] [12.9 MB]

Public Comment Period Extended

Federal Register notice: proposed IHA and request for comments
2008 CGGVeritas On-Ice Seismic In Beaufort Sea, AK IHA
  Withdrawal Notice

Notice of Proposed IHA
2008 L-DEO Marine Geophysical Survey in the Southwest Pacific Ocean Issued IHA

IHA Application
[pdf] [1.0 MB]
[pdf] [1.9 MB]
Monitoring Report
[pdf] [2.1 MB]

Federal Register notice
2008 Beach Blvd (FL) Bridge Blasting Project Application
[pdf] [3.4 MB]
Supplemental EA
[pdf] [1.9 MB]
Federal Register notice
2009 Naval Air Warfare Center Target and Missile Launch Activities

LOA Application

Issued LOA

LOA Application
[pdf] [2.0 MB]

[pdf] [1.6 MB]


Federal Register notice and Request for comments

Proposed Monitoring Plan
[pdf] [1.0 MB]

2008 VAFB Space Launch Vehicle and Missile Operations

Issued LOA(2011)
[pdf] [3.0 MB]

Issued LOA (2010)
[pdf] [1.0 MB]

Issued LOA (2009)

LOA Application

Final EA


2011 Annual Report

2010 Annual Report
[pdf] [1.1 MB]

2009 Annual Report

Final Rule

2008-12 Navy Cherry Point (CHPT) Range Complex Mission Activities 2012 Renewal Application

2011 Proposed Modification to LOA

2011 LOA Issued

2011 Renewal Application

2010 LOA

2009 LOA

LOA Application
[pdf] [1.4 MB]

Addendum to LOA Request

2011 Monitoring Report (East Coast and Gulf Range Complexes)
[pdf] [6.3 MB]

2011 Exercise Report (East Coast and Gulf Range Complexes)

Federal Register Notice of Proposed Modification to LOA

Federal Register Notice of Issuance of LOA

2010 Monitoring Report
[pdf] [5.8 MB]

2010 Exercise Report

2009 Monitoring Report
[pdf] [1.5 MB]

2009 Exercise Report

Final Rule (FRN)

Monitoring Plan
2008 Navy's Request for the Keyport Range Complex Expansion and Activities LOA Renewal Request 2012

2011 LOA

LOA Addendum

[pdf] [5.5 MB]

2011 Monitoring Report

2011 Exercise Report

Final Rule

Proposed Rule
[pdf] [1.1 MB]

Federal Register notice of request

2008 Shell Seismic- Alaskan Arctic IHA
[pdf] [1.8 MB]
90-Day Report
[pdf] [10.6 MB]

Appendices to 90-Day Report
[pdf] [7.3 MB]
2008 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on Rat Island, Alaska IHA
[pdf] [1.4 MB]
Monitoring Report

Federal Register notice
2008 PGS Seismic Survey in the Beaufort Sea, AK IHA
[pdf] [5.8 MB]

IHA Addendum

Monitoring Report
[pdf] [9.1 MB]
2008 ConocoPhillips Alaska Inc. Shallow Hazard and Site Clearance Surveys in Chukchi Sea, AK IHA
90-day Report (Revised March 2009)
[pdf] [1.2 MB]

Federal Register notice
2008 BP Seismic Survey in the Liberty Prospect, Beaufort Sea, AK IHA
[pdf] [4.9 MB]

IHA Addendum

Monitoring Report
[pdf] [10.1 MB]
2008 ASRC Open Water Seismic Survey in Chukchi Sea, AK Revised IHA
[pdf] [2.5 MB]

[pdf] [1.9 MB]

Federal Register notice
2008 Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division

2011 LOA

2011 Renewal

2010 LOA

LOA Application
[pdf] [3.1 MB]

Final EIS
Volume 1


Final EIS
Volume 2


Draft EIS
(Navy website)

2011 Activities Report

2011 Monitoring Report

2010 Activity Report
[pdf] [1.0 MB]

2010 Monitoring Report

Final Rule (FRN)

2008-12 Navy Virginia Capes (VACAPES) Range Complex 2012 Renewal Application

2011 Proposed Modification to LOA

2011 LOA Issued

2011 Renewal Application

2010 LOA

2009 LOA

LOA Application
[pdf] [1.7 MB]

Addendum to LOA Request

2011 Monitoring Report (East Coast and Gulf Range Complexes)
[pdf] [6.3 MB]

2011 Exercise Report (East Coast and Gulf Range Complexes)

Federal Register Notice of Proposed Modification to LOA

Federal Register Notice of Issuance of LOA

2010 Monitoring Report
[pdf] [5.8 MB]

2010 Exercise Report

Federal Register Interim Final Rule

2009 Monitoring Report
[pdf] [1.5 MB]

2009 Exercise Report

Final Rule (FRN)

Monitoring Plan

2008-12 Navy Jacksonville (JAX) Range Complex 2012 Renewal Application

2011 Proposed Modification to LOA

2011 LOA Issued

2011 Renewal Application

2010 LOA

2009 LOA

LOA Application
[pdf] [1.6 MB]

Addendum to LOA Request

2011 Monitoring Report (East Coast and Gulf Range Complexes)
[pdf] [6.3 MB]

2011 Exercise Report (East Coast and Gulf Range Complexes)

Federal Register Notice of Proposed Modification to LOA [pdf]

Federal Register Notice of Issuance of LOA

2010 Monitoring Report
[pdf] [5.8 MB]

2010 Exercise Report

Federal Register Interim Final Rule

2009 Monitoring Report
[pdf] [1.5 MB]

2009 Exercise Report

Final Rule (FRN)

Monitoring Plan
2008 Eglin Air Force Base Surf Zone Exercise off Santa Rosa Island, FL IHA
Supplemental EA for Cumulative Impact Analysis
2008 Construction Activities for Port of Anchorage Marine Terminal Redevelopment Project Demolition Plan
[pdf] [55.3 MB]

[pdf] [82.3 MB]

[pdf] [14.1 MB]
NEPA Documents
[pdf] [2.6 MB]

[pdf] [2.4 MB]
Passive Acousic Monitoring (PAM) Report
[pdf] [9.9 MB]

Final IHA Report
[pdf] [3.5 MB]

Final Rule

Federal Register notice
2008 Power Plant Operations in Central and Southern California RBGS


Moss Landing, Morro Bay, and South Bay
[pdf] [3.4 MB]






[pdf] [1.2 MB]


[pdf] [1.8 MB]
  Federal Register notice
2008 Neptune Deepwater Port Project in Massachusetts Bay IHA
[pdf] [1.6 MB]
  Comments from Marine Mammal Commission (MMC)

Federal Register notice

Biological Opinion
[pdf] [1.5 MB]

Assessment of Underwater Noise
[pdf] [9.7 MB]

Supplementary Acoustic Modeling Report
[pdf] [22.4 MB]

Supplementary Biological Effects Report
2007 Arctic Seismic Comprehensive Report     Joint Monitoring Program Report 2006-7
[pdf] [22.9 MB]
2007 Navy Ship Shock Trial - USS MESA VERDE LOA
  90-day report
2008 Navy's Hawaii Range Complex (HRC)

2011 LOA
[pdf] [1.5 MB]

2011 HRC LOA renewal application
[pdf] [1.6 MB]

2010 HRC LOA renewal application
[pdf] [1.1 MB]

HRC Final Rule
[pdf] [1.1 MB]

2009 LOA Issued
[pdf] [1.2 MB]

LOA Application Update #2

LOA Application Update

LOA Application
[pdf] [2.3 MB]

Supplemental Information

[pdf] [165.5 MB]

» EIS Executive Summary

» EIS Volume 1
[pdf] [9.9 MB]

» EIS Volume 2
[pdf] [4.6 MB]

» EIS Volume 3
[pdf] [85.9 MB]

» EIS Volume 4
[pdf] [23.5 MB]

» EIS Volume 5
[pdf] [41.8 MB]

Mitigation EA

2010 HRC-SOCAL Monitoring Report
[pdf] [58 MB]

2010 LOA Issued [pdf] [1.6 MB]

2010 HRC-SOCAL Exercise Report
[pdf] [1.5 MB]

2009 HRC-SOCAL Exercise Report
[pdf] [1.1 MB]

2009 HRC Exercise Report addendum
[pdf] [1.1 MB]

2009 HRC-SOCAL Monitoring Report
[pdf] [1.1 MB]

2010 Integrated Comprehensive Management Program Plan
[pdf] [2.2 MB]

Biological Opinion for HRC Regulations
[pdf] [2.7 MB]

Biological Opinion for 2009 LOA
[pdf] [2.4 MB]

Final Monitoring Plan for HRC

Final HRC Stranding Response Plan
Navy RIMPAC 06 Monitoring Report

2008-2013 Minerals Management Service Rig Removal in the Gulf of Mexico LOA
[pdf] [1.3 MB]
Programmatic EA
[pdf] [6.3 MB]
Information Synthesis Report (MMS 2003-070)
[pdf] [2.7 MB]

Final Rule in Federal Register
2007 Shell Arctic Seismic Program Issued IHA

IHA Application
[pdf] [1.9 MB]
Supplemental EA
[pdf] [2.1 MB]
90-Day Report
[pdf] [4.4 MB]

Appendices to the 90-Day Report
[pdf] [13.1 MB]

Monitoring Plan
2007 Eglin AFB- Gunnery Exercises

Issued IHA (2010)

Issued IHA (2008)

IHA Addendum


LOA Application

2007 IHA

2006 IHA
[pdf] [254 KB]

Final EA


Draft EA
[pdf] [7.6 MB]
2009 Public Comments
[pdf] [2.6 MB]

2009 Federal Register notice and request for comments
[pdf] [249 KB]

Monitoring Report
[pdf] [107 KB]
2007 Northeast Gateway Deepwater Port Project IHA
[pdf] [2.6 MB]
  Federal Register notice
[pdf] [88 KB]
2006 BP Operation of Northstar Oil and Gas Facility in Beaufort Sea 2009 Issued LOA
[pdf] [274 KB]

LOA Application
[pdf] [896 KB]

2010 Summary Report
[pdf] [6.2 MB]

2005 - 2009 Comprehensive Report
[pdf] [28 MB]

2009 Summary Report
[pdf] [5.6 MB]

2008 Summary Report
[pdf] [5.8 MB]

2007 Summary Report
[pdf] [4.1 MB]

2006 Summary Report
[pdf] [7.5 MB]

2005 Summary Report
[pdf] [4.4 MB]

2006 Eglin AFB-Precision Strike Weapon Testing LOA
[pdf] [164 KB]
2006 Comprehensive Report for ConocoPhillips, GXT, and Shell     Joint Monitoring Program Report
[pdf] [12.7 MB]

More Info

Updated: September 25, 2012

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