Blog Posts tagged with "Vukovar"

My Dream Come True

I feel like I am dreaming and could wake up any moment...

Comparing to the old dormitory this renovated one is like a castle from a fairy tale!

When I first came to this dorm and laid my eyes on the old building, I panicked – old walls, cracked windows, doors that wouldn't close, and the interior... it's better not to mention it! My first reaction was to run away, but there was something about it, something that wouldn't let me go.

At that moment I wasn't aware what it was, but now after having spent 4 years in the dorm, I realize that it was the good spirit of the dorm. I will always treasure its spirit and the people I lived with, both my fellow students, and the great dorm staff who helped us through those challenging adolescent years.

The dormitory kitchen staff.

You cannot imagine our joy now, in this new renovated dorm, in this paradise.

We can forget things that seem funny now – queueing to take a shower, freaking out when we would see bugs on our beds, chasing bats away, and I shouldn't even mention toilets!

We will continue to be good kids, and good students, and promise that we will get better and better each year, in the spirit of our motto – Life is an art of finding beauty and joy in everything.

The exterior of the renovated dormitory.

I said it so many times during the ceremony, but want to say it once again…Thank you for all the good you have done for the current, and all subsequent generations who will live and enjoy this dorm, thank you so much ... When I lived here it was both a paradise, and a calvary for me, but, I think, life here made me what I am now…..a young, but mature person ready for life ahead of me.

When I returned to my apartment after the opening ceremony, I cried like a child. Director Hincak is like a father to me, and every happy tear he shared with all of us feels as if I shared them with each and every one present there that day. You have returned that man a smile on his face, and not only to his, but also to all dorm students, both present and former… God has answered our prayers, and because of that: thank you :)

P.S.-sorry for my grammar mistakes :)

Marina Barić – Pinky
Vukovar Dorm Manager/Principal

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