Afghan Security Forces conduct major spring operation

2012/04/22 • Comments
Task Force Arctic Wolves




Maj. Khakrizwa Rahmatullah, Dand District Chief of Police, oversees the destruction of more than 200 lbs. of marijuana discovered in the Dand District while more than 3,400 other Afghan security forces across Southern Kandahar Province conducted security operations, April 03, 2012. (U.S. Army photo by Lt. Col. David Abrahams, Security Forces Assistance Team, Dand District)

Maj. Khakrizwa Rahmatullah, Dand District Chief of Police, oversees the destruction of more than 200 lbs. of marijuana discovered in the Dand District while more than 3,400 other Afghan security forces across Southern Kandahar Province conducted security operations, April 03, 2012. (U.S. Army photo by Lt. Col. David Abrahams, Security Forces Assistance Team, Dand District)

KANDAHAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan—The third day of a major security operation across Southern Kandahar Province increases the security in Panjwa’i, Daman and Dand Districts with the combined efforts of the 1st Brigade, 205th Atal “Hero” Corps; Afghan Uniformed Police; National Defense Services; and Afghan National Civil Order Police.

The Daman District Afghan Uniform Police conducted a joint clearing operation in Mandi Sar with NDS, resulting in the discovery and eradication of more than 500 pounds of marijuana and an additional five pounds of hashish.

The Dand District Afghan Uniform Police found and cleared two improvised explosive devices near Gorgan village and detained four persons of interest during clearing operations as part of a major joint spring operation.

More than 3,400 Afghan Army and police forces are involved in the operation which has lasted more than three days.

Afghan security forces planned, coordinated and are in the process of executing the major spring security operation meant to disrupt and defeat insurgent forces in Southern Kandahar while validating the ability of the security forces to conduct complex ISAF-independent operations.

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