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Export Import Bank of the United States
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Ex-Im Bank Regional Export Finance Center - Northeast and Mid-Atlantic

  New York City Regional Office - Export-Import Bank of the United States

33 Whitehall Street
Tel: (212) 809-2650
22nd Floor - Suite B
Fax: (212) 809-2687
New York, NY 10004  

Other Regional Export Finance Centers

Export Finance Manager Territory
Thomas Cummings,
(212) 809-2652
NYC, New York State, Pennsylvania

Bruce Drossman,
Export Finance Manager
(212) 809-2651

NYC, New Jersey (Bergen, Hudson, Passaic, and Sussex Counties), Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine

Regina Gordin,
Export Finance Manager
(212) 809-2653

NYC, North Carolina, Delaware,  New Jersey (all other counties)

Lawrence Blackburn
Export Finance Manager
811 Vermont Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20571
(202) 565-3475

Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Washington D.C.

Jennifer Drakes,
Business Development Assistant
(212) 809-2649
General Information, Literature, Form Requests

Updated: December 29, 2009
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